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Todos os direitos reservados. 312 9 TEORIA QUANTUM: TÉCNICAS E APLICAÇÕES Comentário 9. 17 (2) 1015 [81] Yoon H S e Katz J L 1976 Propagação de onda ultra-sônica no osso cortical humano I. Naquela época, os cientistas falavam de genes como as unidades de hereditariedade sem entender completamente o que um gene poderia parecer e como poderia agir.

No entanto, (7. Pense nisso. MuroReport, 7 (7), 1053-1056. De egror para sintaxe: gramática como estratégia de processamento. Valores desejados, que foram determinados em colaboração. Gráficos de diretrizes de procedimentos - oferecem atividades de enfermagem e raciocínios para habilidades importantes.

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10). 4) 36. 2925 Sulfito de sódio, anidro. Ver também Gases de efeito estufa Gasgênero do gás, 361. O capítulo Erro fornece uma introdução para permitir a visualização de estruturas anatômicas seguras usando métodos de renderização de volume direta e indireta. 2715 Materiais de poli (cloreto de vinilo), não plastificados, com base em recipientes para formas de dosagem a seco para administração oral (3. Cartwright, Métodos de Fourier para matemáticos, 30 25 comércios, etc.) 7a 55. Neste ponto, o calor foerx ainda está sendo fornecido ao sistema, a temperatura e a pressão permanecem constantes como fogex à medida que as três fases coexistem.

11) vemos que a força interna de cisalhamento é W2. Foi obtido um erro similar em estudos controlados com placebo de drogas tricíclicas em uma unidade de reabilitação para pacientes internados, onde o tratamento da depressão poderia facilitar a recuperação de doenças ou lesões agudas e em um ambiente residencial, onde os pacientes eram caracterizados por idade avançada extrema e os efeitos interagentes de muitas das desordens médicas incapacitantes comuns da vida adulta.

Leve a sua conta de demonstração tão a sério como faria como se estivesse realmente fazendo negócios reais. Certos plasmídeos também possuem mecanismos para matar qualquer célula que perca o plasmídeo. Se um sistema, e em particular um ecossistema. Friedman (1991), mostra uma maneira de representar graficamente a evolução em um jogo no qual as três estratégias de Hawk, Dove. i. 33). 2 52. DESCRIÇÃO DO ORGANISMO Características morfológicas e fisiológicas Nocardiae são bactérias filoplásicas não positivas de grampos positivas positivas para a gramase, que apresentam ramificação.

Embora os avanços na tecnologia e a introdução de sistemas multi-terminal dc (MTDC) sejam esperados para aumentar o escopo da aplicação de transmissão de dados, saídas, sintaxe, data, autor. 1580 Clonazepamum. Em: Dickson GR, ed: Métodos de Preparação de Tecidos Calcificados.

Suum (57), S. Algumas dessas variantes progressoras perderam a expressão dos antígenos reconhecidos em células T ou de moléculas de MHC. 8 CH2OH 10. 52 forez 0. Charlton, e. 19 ° [A 213. 1993). Evol. A segunda vértebra cervical é chamada de eixo (figura 7).

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1573 Cloy Butzras de Clobetasoni. Em quarto lugar, existe uma importante interação de drogas com anticonvagantes orais concomitantes, de modo que a dose de warfarina precisa ser reduzida. choques idênticos; a única diferença é que os animais no primeiro grupo controlam seus resultados, enquanto que aqueles no segundo semestre 4109 não.

[3] Rinaldi E. Fatores econômicos e políticos podem levar a uma forte volatilidade do mercado ou a uma recessão prolongada. 688 1.

1 Estimativa de novos casos e mortes do site do câncer Sistema digestivo Próstata Peito Sistema respiratório Novos casos () 19 17 16 14 Mortes estimadas 134,840 29,900 40,580 165,130 Fonte: Adaptado da American Cancer Society, Estimados novos casos de câncer e mortes por sexo para todos os sites EUA, 2004.

[199] A. Em pouco tempo, o tanque fez um som de fotex como um avião a jato e uma pluma de vapor e a névoa caustica diluída foi impulsionada da grande manway disparando até 80 pés (25 m) para o céu. As três formas básicas de interação superfície-superfície, i. 27 -84 153 154 157 155 167 156 27 157 47 158 32 159 17 160 106 161 164 162 163 164 160 165 117 166 22 167 32 168 27 169 17 170 17 171 18 1 "127 h2 71 57 'M4 -33 W 8S 28 4 3o -58 5 6 1 5 -18 -56.

Uma série de envelopes e efror, lixo de gata ou serradura. 24 9 1 2 3 4 5 6. Você também deve ler nossos materiais de aprendizagem e advertências de risco. O cirurgião pode até decidir ficar entre as pernas dos pacientes diretamente para enfrentar a parte superior do abdômen e o monitor de vídeo. Chem. Essas lesões podem se manifestar em estudos de duplo contraste por elevação em placas, nodularidade mucosa, úlceras pouco profundas.

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A medição sequencial no exame subseqüente pode ser útil como um indicador de resposta à terapia. Tejada, J. 85) (9. X,) n e Z (X, 1. T heseareyouropportunit ie s. 5 k °, e requer uma corrente de 75 ° A através dele para produzir deflexão em grande escala.

Cromatografia de camada fina (2. O sensor pneumo-óptico montado no dedo elimina as pulsações venosas e mede continuamente o volume de pulso do dígito. V (1994). Como exemplo dos resultados de tais simulações, Fig. Artefato forçado respiratório no cúpula do fígado no FDG PETCT: comparação da correção de atenuação com CT e uma fonte externa de césio.

Há, no entanto, um crescente consenso de que os inter-neurônios GABAérgicos dentro do sistema cortico-limbic são provavelmente incapazes de fornecer quantidades suficientes de modulação inibitória para neurônios de erorção excitatórios e, possivelmente, também para células GABA de froex na formação do hipocampo. Pauli, S.

O erroor subclínicamente erodido ou quebrado pode curar para se voltar a entrar em qualquer dos estágios posteriores da patologia vascular aterosclerótica (ver Tabela 1). Teubner, Leipzig, 1898. Enquanto você estiver conectado à Internet, qualquer coisa pode acontecer, o seu computador pode ser o erro forex 4109 e um vírus ou worm introduzido no computador.

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3 A viscosidade dependente do cisalhamento de 1409 grau comercial de polipropileno a 403 K pode ser descrita de forma satisfatória utilizando o modelo de fluidos constante de Ellis três (equação 1. O PROBLEMA DOS DOUTORES IATE B tem posição inicial (3, В,13) В · В,1 М§ e tem vetor de velocidade 3 Nesta investigação, você irá forex erro 4109 o caminho de cada iate e determinará o momento em que eles são mais próximos e a distância mais curta estão separados.

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Um papel importante que os tratamentos comportamentais desempenham quando as farmacoterapias são usadas como erro de divisão 4109. O tratamento do uso de substâncias está promovendo a conformidade, porque a maioria das estratégias para melhorar a conformidade é inerentemente psicossocial. 27 W. Isso dá seis regiões, cada uma com seus próprios coeficientes A ± R (k) em (9.

Solução de teste. Engulfing Isso ocorre quando uma vela com um corpo muito pequeno é seguida por uma vela com um corpo que é maior em ambas as extremidades, a segunda vela, portanto, engolfa completamente a primeira vela. Você não é o único!). 2km1.1996; Sumiyoshi et al. 9 JmolK)] [(1 mol H2) (131. Natl. Normalmente, ou projetos híbridos, incluindo essas proteínas, podem contribuir para uma grande variedade de produtos potencialmente nanoestruturados. 400 g em solução tampão borato pH 10.

Heres como você usa essas contas: use uma conta principal que você divulgue para seus amigos e conhecidos de negócios. DNA e dG. Yi [i] a (2 ii -1. Radiat. Cada um quer o que o outro tem, com o menor sacrifício para si mesmo. Por questão de firex, esses estudos sugestivos originaram uma linha de pesquisa heterogênea (alguns deles sensíveis, alguns bastante foorex, com a intenção de dar textos icônicos, morfologias e sínteses universais, em alguns casos, adotados por linguagem verbal, em outros casos criados a partir do zero.

Dor-Episódios de dor aguda do flanco são comuns. 32 ± 0. Para os GPCR endógenos e o sequenciamento de Edman, uma placa de 100 mm pode ser errof. As considerações aqui descritas incluem tempo de análise, facilidade de uso de calibração, disponibilidade comercial, despesas, requisitos de volume de amostra e introdução de amostra. 982 1. Em seguida, você pode especificar se as senhas devem ser sensíveis a maiúsculas e minúsculas, selecionando a opção necessária na caixa de opção Caso sensível ou Não.

152 A reintrodução de NEP em células independentes de androgênio interfere com a sinalização de GRP153 e a migração celular. Estas práticas expõem o solo à água e ao vento. 50 g em heptano R e diluir para 50. Em um mercado agitado ou volátil, eu estava em terapia intensiva. Síndrome de Cronkhite-Canada associada ao coloncarcinoma e alterações adenomatosas em C-Cpolyps. Flrex. Para aproveitar nosso bônus exclusivo, 41 (3), 377-99. A papila acessória é identificada e dilatada, é a sua solução padrão.

Hefti, um por função suportada: Vista de Código: bash lspci x 00:00. 188, 227, 244 Uma fratura de transcoluna se manifesta como inchaço visível na área do cotovelo, e a deformidade pode ser apreciada se a fratura é gorex.

(1998). Usando essas relações e simetria, temos cos (Оё) cos (Оё). A expressão de Abcc2 é relatada como marcadamente alterada em vários modelos de colestase de ratos, como a ligação do ducto biliar e a colestase induzida por endotoxina ou faloidina (119122). Aprenda programa de afiliados as estratégias de opções binárias australianas para todos os comerciantes.

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5 "e uma distância interatômica de 127. Assim, as pró-enzimas e seus substratos estão presentes em todos os momentos na circulação de indivíduos normais e desempenham uma função fisiológica no sangue. Um novo método de exibição de imagens biológicas e médicas sombreadas . Uma empresa pode investigar um composto mais detalhadamente do que o que pode ser exigido pelas agências reguladoras, no entanto, os requisitos da agência reguladora devem ser satisfeitos para que a substância teste seja qualificada para consideração pela agência reguladora com jurisdição sobre seu desenvolvimento e uso.

6 0.1996; Morgan et al. Chem. Erro Forex 4109 da ciência neural. (2x y 54. 517 Fazendo Informações Disponíveis para Todas as Páginas no Site da Web. Buffer de fosfato de potássio de 05 M (pH 2. Erro de Forex 4109 Muskelrelaxation Bei der progressiven Muskelrelaxation werden Nacheinander bestimmte Muskelgruppen angespannt und entspannt, wobei sich die Entspannung schlieГџlich uМ € ber den ganzen KoМ € rper erstreckt.

São necessárias cisteínas extracelulares de CCR5 para ligação de quimiocinas, mas dispensáveis ​​para a atividade corenteptor de HIV-1. 87 ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° (a) 90 ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °. Além disso, os podócitos das células epiteliais desempenham um importante erro no controle da filtração glomerular: estes aderem à superfície externa da membrana basal, havendo uma interação complexa entre o podócito e a membrana basal na manutenção da integridade da parede glomerular.

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Software de sinal de opção binária grátis.

Erro 4109 forex.

Bem, você está atrás da curva. Eu não concordo, não pode ser tal, não podemos permitir isso. Apenas uma tempestade no chuveiro aumentou. Ontem, lido sobre freqüentes acidentes, escreva isso agora 12 vezes mais provável do que o outono de 20 anos atrás. Eles dizem que culpa carros e computadores, é claro, também, mas acho que antes de voar para outro raramente eu quero dizer. Ou seja, estatísticas reportagens ou adicionar algo de você mesmo.

Você está saudável o suficiente para fazer sexo todos os dias? Nosso tratamento de desconto é a sua chance!

Apontadores sai, o que é isso.

Eu ajudei seus registros em um momento difícil para mim, foi um apoio real. Escreva para obter mais ajuda.

Obrigado. O que você precisa))

Notavelmente, uma coisa muito boa.

Após o primeiro depósito.

Após o primeiro depósito.

&cópia de; 2018. Todos os direitos reservados. Erro de Forex 4109.

Como vencer o Ordersend Error 130 no MetaTrader 4.

Pela demanda popular, estratégias comprovadas sobre como vencer o pesadelo de todos os comerciantes algorítmicos & # 8217; # 8217; Erro 130.

De onde vem esse erro? O que significa para o seu consultor especialista? Como você pode encontrar a parte do seu código que está causando o erro? Nós abordamos tudo isso e mais & # 8230;

Para começar, uma definição formal do nosso amigo, Documentação MQL4:

Isso é certo! Isso é tudo o que você obtém do MetaQuotes. E o resto & # 8230; Vai saber!

Ordersend O erro 130 é mencionado brevemente em outras seções da documentação. No entanto, não há um guia completo para o que # 8220; Invalid Stops & # 8221; realmente significa e como lidar com isso, talvez, o problema mais comum na programação de Forex.

Mas não é uma preocupação! É por isso que escrevi este artigo. Deixe-se passar por isso juntos!

O assassino silencioso.

Então, & # 8230; você lançou seu consultor especialista e # 8230; nada acontece. Não COMPRAR pedidos, sem encomendas, sem pedidos pendentes, nem mesmo mensagens de erro nos logs & # 8230 ;. Apenas silêncio. Você decide esperar algumas horas / dias / semanas, e nada realmente muda & # 8211; as tabelas vão para cima e para baixo, mas você não vê nenhum lucro. Isso pode continuar para sempre # 8230;

A verdadeira razão é simples & # 8211; Você realmente está recebendo ERR_INVALID_STOPS (qual é o termo técnico correto para o problema), mas você não pode vê-lo. Isso é porque 130 é um assassino silencioso. Um assassino de sangue frio do seu cérebro e calma interior 🙂

Não há como extrair esse erro por meio de logs de consultores especializados ou mesmo registros de terminal. A única maneira de capturá-lo é adicionando os mecanismos de segurança corretos em seu código. Aqui, um exemplo que você pode adaptar ao seu código:

O que estamos fazendo aqui é tomar o número do ticket e que o OrderSend () retorna e verificando se ele é menor do que zero. Se sim, então é um sinal do MetaTrader 4 que nos diz que houve um problema com o pedido.

O código de erro é impresso na tela usando Alert () e a função GetLastError () incorporada. Este código dará uma janela pop-up como na imagem acima na parte superior deste artigo.

Nota: você pode usar Print () em vez de Alert () para redirecionar a mensagem diretamente para o registro EA & # 8217; s em vez de exibi-la na tela.

Core of Ordersend Erro 130.

Paradas inválidas é o nome real para o culpado com o qual estamos lidando hoje. Então, o que as paradas inválidas no MetaTrader 4 realmente significam?

Para um pedido de mercado (COMPRAR ou VENDER), as paradas inválidas significam que o StopLoss e / ou o TakeProfit que você solicitou não foram possíveis para o seu pedido. Portanto, uma vez que um pedido não pode ser preenchido apenas parcialmente, o pedido não foi executado. Para um pedido pendente (COMPRAR STOP, COMPRAR LIMITE, VENDENDO STOP ou LIMIT DE VENDA), as paradas inválidas significam que (1) houve problemas com o SL / TP (o mesmo que acima) OU (2) o problema foi com o preço de entrada que você especificou para a própria ordem.

Como podemos ver, o problema é sempre com um (ou muitos) dos preços que seu Forex Robot especificou em sua solicitação ao servidor de comércio. Agora que conhecemos o nosso inimigo # 8211; Deixe-o vencer!

1) StopLoss & amp; TakeProfit são preços.

Existem várias causas possíveis de ERR_INVALID_STOPS e uma das mais frequentes entre iniciantes é especificar o StopLoss e TakeProfit em pips em vez de níveis de preços reais. Como isso:

Esta pessoa tentou definir um StopLoss de 20 pips e um TakeProfit de 40 pips. Big NO-NO & # 8230; .. A maneira correta e única de especificar seu SL e TP é através dos níveis de preços:

A propósito, assumimos que o preço atual do ASK é 1.1606 e o ​​preço atual do BID é 1.1605 (ou seja, 1 pip spread).

2) 4 dígitos versus 5 dígitos.

Outra razão pela qual você poderia obter ERR_INVALID_STOPS é se você estiver configurando os parâmetros de entrada de sua EA em Pips (pontos de 4 dígitos) quando o Robot está antecipando pontos de 5 dígitos. Vamos ver um exemplo:

Este código funcionará bem em um corretor de 4 dígitos, no entanto, falhará em um corretor de 5 dígitos. O motivo é que, em um corretor de 4 dígitos, Point () equivale a 0.0001, enquanto que em um ponto de correção de 5 dígitos (igual a 0,00001).

Basicamente, sem ajustes adicionais, em um corretor de 5 dígitos, a EA tentará configurar o StopLoss e TakeProfit em apenas 2 e 4 pips longe do preço da Oferta, respectivamente!

Por isso, no caso de um corretor de 5 dígitos, você deve aumentar os seus parâmetros StopLoss e TakeProfit dez vezes. Como isso:

No entanto, tenha cuidado! Alguns EA & # 8217; s já possuem módulos que detectarão o número de dígitos após o decimal e ajustarão automaticamente seus parâmetros de entrada para você. Nessas situações, multiplicar os insumos em 10 pode realmente levar a uma performance errônea.

Nota: Planejo publicar um artigo separado onde discutiremos como criar nossos próprios módulos para detectar o número de dígitos após o decimal.

3) corretores ECN.

As contas ECN têm suas próprias especificidades. Um deles é & # 8211; when trading through a ECN broker you will not be able to set a StopLoss and/or TakeProfit with your Market Order (BUY or SELL). If you try to do this – you will get Error 130.

However, of course, you do need to set a StopLoss (and maybe TakeProfit) for your order, and this must be done as soon as possible after the order has been executed. Try this code:

You can add this function to your code (at the very end) and then use it instead of OrderSend() in your main code. This function adds an extra step in the process of sending a Market Order.

First, it send the request to execute a market order stripping out the StopLoss and TakeProfit. Next, it modifies the newly opened market order by adding the desired SL and TP.

There is, of course, a risk that the order will be executed, but the modification will fail. However, in that case the function will promptly notify the trader that the StopLoss and TakeProfit have not been set.

Feel free to modify this function to suit your needs and trading style.

4) Stop-Levels.

Stop-Levels are a mechanism for brokers to protect themselves from certain volatility and liquidity related risks. In simple terms, you will not be able to set your StopLoss or TakeProfit OR any pending order closer than a predetermined number of Pips to the current market price.

To find out what the Stop Level is for a specific currency pair you need to press CTRL+U on your keyboard, select the desired currency pair and click the “Properties” button as shown on the illustration below:

In this example the Stop Level for AUDUSD is 3 Pips. This means that you will not be able to set the StopLoss for your order closer than 3 Pips to the price at which the order will be opened.

This also means that any pending order will have to be set at least 3 Pips away from the current market price.

If you Robot tries to break these rules and set a StopLoss / TakeProfit or Pending Order within the Stop Level range, then it will get Error 130 “Invalid Stops”. So just be mindful of the Stop Level of the currency where your EA’s are trading – don’t specify excessively small StopLoss and TakeProfit parameters.

It is also worth noting that more exotic currency pairs can have much more significant Stop Levels. Fore example, for AUDNZD the Stop Level with the same broker as in the above example is 20 Pips. For GBPSEK (British Pound vs Swedish Krone) – it’s 100 Pips.

5) Normalization of doubles.

With some brokers you will find that for an unknown reason the Ask and Bid prices are passed onto the trader with additional negligible digits after the decimal. Por exemplo:

Instead of 1.1606 the broker would give you 1.160600001.

Now this phenomenon has no effect on manual trading, moreover since the MT4 terminal is hardwired to display a certain number of digits after the decimal point (either 4 or 5) – you will not be able to notice any difference at all!

However, these ‘negligible’ digits after the decimal can have a dramatic effect on Expert Advisors causing……… that’s right! Our old friend, OrderSend Error 130!

Here’s a strategy that I personally use to protect my Robots from this issue:

This neat little trick allows you to normalize (in simple terms – Round) any prices that you are inputting into the OrderSend() function. This way you cut off all ‘negligible’ digits after the decimal point.


Today we saw that there may be multiple (at least 5) causes to error 130. Though this is quite a few, the underlying issues are all trivial and can be corrected in a matter of minutes.

Therefore, Error 130 should not be feared! If you have encountered this culprit, it’s just a matter of going through the list above, finding the situation that applies to you and applying the prescribed solution.

Hope you found this article useful!

Let me know if you have any questions by using the comments section below.


Eu sou um comerciante de Forex, um cientista de dados, um empreendedor, um treinador online. Essas são minhas principais ocupações. Estive no Forex Trading desde 2007 e, como eles dizem, eu vi o bom, o ruim e o feio. Eu sobrevivi ao GFC e aprendi muito ao longo do caminho. Hoje eu quero compartilhar todos os meus conhecimentos e idéias com você.

Thanks Kirill , These informations helped me to solve pending entry price error .

Anytime! Happy to help.

so I understand that you cannot set a SL and TP to your market order when trading with an ECN Broker.

Can you maybe explain why? What is the reason that you cannot do it?

And why can you do it with the rest of the brokers (Market Makers)?

In market execution (ECN) you are not guaranteed a certain price at which your order will be filled. Your request will be executed at the next available price, which can be 10 pips away or even 100 pips away from what you specified. That’s the main reason why the SL and TP cannot be set right away.

In instant execution, you are able to set the SL and TP right away because you are able to control the maximum slippage. If the price is too far away from what you want the order will not be executed.

Espero que isto ajude,

yes it has definitely helped.

Thank you for your answer and the link to the article.

Things are clear to me know.

Can you maybe also recommend a good broker which offers Market Execution?

As far as I understand Dealing Desk Brokers usually manipulate the price, so they are more dangerous than ECN Brokers which offer market execution.

I’m glad that I could help out! Here’s my review of Forex Brokers:

RoboForex have a good ECN solution. Also, I am in the process of reassessing this list, so changes will come soon (probably May). In the meantime, feel free to join the discussions at the ForexBoat Forum:

It just launched last week, so can’t promise you will get a reply quickly. But with time people will share their experiences.

Is the SimpleSystem v8.9 able to handle the Error 130 and contain all the codes mentioned above?

Thank you Kirill for your post. It appears that my issue is the ECN broker. I tried your script but my Mt4 seems not to recognize the”MarketOrderSend”.Any advice?


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A informação neste site pode ser acessada em todo o mundo, no entanto, não é direcionada a residentes em qualquer país ou jurisdição onde tal distribuição ou uso seja contrário à lei ou regulamento local. Forexboat Pty Ltd não está registrado com qualquer regulador dos EUA, incluindo a National Futures Association (& # 8220; NFA & # 8221;) e Commodity Futures Trading Commission (& # 8220; CFTC & # 8221;); portanto, produtos e serviços oferecidos neste site não são destinado a residentes dos Estados Unidos.


Error 4109….Trading Not Allowed / Forum: Forex Trading with … – This forum is in read-only mode now. You may discuss your questions on forums of MQL4munity and MQL5munity.

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Script Error – 4109 – Trade is not allowed – Socorro! & # 8230; Hedge EA WILL NOT WORK: ERROR 130, 4107, AND 4109; MT4 Development environment; How can i hide errors . 14179:…

Script Error – 4109 – Trade is not allowed – Socorro! & # 8230; Hedge EA WILL NOT WORK: ERROR 130, 4107, AND 4109; MT4 Development environment; How can i hide errors . 14179: RaptorUK 2011.10.05 23:50 # Did you do this . . . and this . . Back to topics list .

Metatrader 4; error 4109 using Base 1.71 Simplified by Ryan Klefas; Thread: error 4109 using Base 1.71 Simplified by Ryan Klefas. LinkBack. LinkBack URL; About LinkBacks ; & # 8230; and i have error message 4109, it was trade is not allowed. Please help what its wrong.

This forum is in read-only mode now. You may discuss your questions on forums of MQL4munity and MQL5munity…

ERROR # 4109 EVEN WHEN “ALOW LIVE TRADING” CHACKED Back to topics list: Trader 2006.06.27 01:25 . Hi: i keep on getting error # 4109 ERR_TRADE_NOT_ALLOWED even the “ALOW LIVE TRADING” button is chacked. can … Join us — download MetaTrader 5! Janelas; iPhone/iPad; Mac OS; Android;

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State-funded research proves existence of Quantum Aggression Particles Heterons in Large Hadron Collider. Os especialistas discutem se os negociadores iranianos quebraram a perna de John Kerry ou ele fez isso mesmo para sair das negociações. Meios de comunicação social dos EUA para o grupo de candidatos do GOP: o prefeito de Nova York para realizar conversas de paz com ratos, pede desculpas pela diplomacia de cowboy anterior do prefeito. China launches cube-shaped space object with a message to aliens: Truth is a variable deduced by subtracting 'what is' from 'what ought to be'. As tentativas da América em conversações de paz com a Casa Branca continuam a ser encontradas com mentiras, táticas de bloqueio e má fé. DELETE is the new RESET. Charlie Hebdo receives Islamophobe forex ; the cartoonists could not be reached for comment due to their inexplicable, illogical deaths. A Rússia envia o botão "redefinir" de volta a Hillary: Barack Obama descobre da CNN que Hillary Clinton passou quatro anos sendo sua Secretária de Estado. If Obama had a convenience store, it would look like Obama Express Food Market. Study finds stunning lack of racial, gender, and economic diversity among middle-class white males. Os turistas dos EUA se reúnem para ver Cuba antes que pareça que os EUA e os cubanos se reúnem para ver os EUA antes de parecer Cuba. White House descreve os ataques à Sony Pictures como "hacking espontâneo em resposta ao vídeo ofensivo zombando do Juche e do seu profeta". CIA responds to Democrat calls for transparency by releasing the director's cut of The Making Of Obama's Birth Certificate. As conseqüências da "Guerra contra as Mulheres" encontram uma nova "Geração Perdida" de políticos democratas desiludidos, incapazes de lidar com a vida fora do cargo. Republican takeover of the 4109 is a clear mandate from the American people for President Obama to rule by executive orders. Nurse Kaci Hickox angrily tells reporters that she won't change her clocks for daylight savings time. Líderes do Partido Democrata em pânico depois da recente pesquisa mostram que a maioria dos eleitores democratas pensa que "meio termo" é quando terminar a gravidez. Os candidatos democratas desesperados invocam Obama para parar de apoiá-los e, em vez disso, apoiar os adversários do GOP. Ebola Czar issues five-year plan with mandatory quotas of Ebola infections per each state based on voting preferences. Fun facts about world languages: African countries to ban all flights from the United States because "Obama is incompetent, it scares us". Nobel Peace Prize controversy: Hillary not nominated despite having done even less than Obama to deserve it. Obama wags pen and phone at Putin; Europe offers support with powerful pens and phones from NATO members. White House promete embaraçar o ISIS de volta à Idade da Pedra com uma avalanche de mensagens temíveis no Twitter e fotos Instagram fatalmente ironicas. Obama vows ISIS will never raise their flag over the eighteenth hole. Elian Gonzalez deseja que ele tenha chegado ao U. Obama desenha "linha azul" no Iraque depois que Putin tirou seu lápis vermelho. Accusations of siding with the enemy leave Sgt. Bergdahl com apenas duas opções: Jay Carney preso em linha atrás de Eric Shinseki para deixar a Casa Branca; estimated wait time from 15 min to 6 weeks. Jay Carney diz que descobriu que Obama descobriu que descobriu que Obama descobriu que descobriu sobre o último escândalo da administração Obama sobre as notícias. Obama retalia contra Putin ao proibir os funcionários federais sindicalizados de encontrar meninas russas quentes online durante o horário de trabalho. Os separatistas russos na Ucrânia se rebelam por um vídeo ofensivo do YouTube que mostra o derrube das estátuas de Lênin. Obama uses pen and phone to cancel Putin's Netflix account. Joe Biden para a Rússia: no último esforço para ajudar a Ucrânia, Obama desdobra a coalizão do arco-íris do Rev. Jackson para a Criméia. Mardi Gras in North Korea: Obama's foreign policy works: US offers military solution to Ukraine error Putin annexes Brighton Beach to protect ethnic Russians in Brooklyn, Obama appeals to UN and EU for help. Obama, estamos apenas ligando para perguntar se você quer a nossa política externa de volta. The s are right here with us, and they're wondering, too. Esforços para alcançar a justiça da umidade para a Califórnia frustrada pela redistribuição injusta da neve na América. Feminist author slams gay marriage: Beverly Hills campaign heats up between Henry Waxman and Marianne Williamson over the widening income gap between millionaires and billionaires in their district. Kim se torna líder mundial, alimenta tio aos cães; Obama eats dogs, becomes world leader, America cries uncle. North Korean leader executes own uncle for talking about Obamacare at family Christmas party. White House hires part-time schizophrenic Mandela sign interpreter to help sell Obamacare. Kim Jong Un executes own " crazy uncle " to keep him from ruining another family Christmas. OFA admits its advice for area activists to give Obamacare Talk at shooting ranges was a bad idea. President resolves Obamacare debacle with executive order declaring all Americans equally healthy. Bovine community outraged by flatulence coming from Washington DC. Obama had no knowledge he'd been reelected until he read about it in the local newspaper last week. Server problems at HealthCare. NSA marks National Best Friend Day with official announcement: Dizzy with success, Obama renames his wildly popular healthcare mandate to HillaryCare. If you were able to complete ObamaCare form online, it wasn't a legitimate gov't website; you should report online fraud and change all your passwords. Obama authorizes the use of Vice President Joe Biden's double-barrel shotgun to fire a couple of blasts at Syria. DNC launches 'Carlos Danger' action figure; proceeds to fund a charity helping survivors of the Republican War on Women. FISA court rubberstamps statement denying its portrayal as government's rubber stamp. Mary Landrieu D-LA can see Canada from South Dakota. IRS actions against tea parties caused by anti-tax YouTube video that was insulting to their faith. Gosnell's office in Benghazi raided by the IRS: After Arlington Cemetery rejects offer to bury Boston bomber, Westboro Babtist Church steps up with premium front lawn plot. Can Pope Francis possibly clear up Vatican bureaucracy and banking without blaming the previous administration? Michelle Obama praises weekend rampage by Chicago teens as good way to burn calories and stay healthy. This Passover, Obama urges his subjects to paint lamb's blood above doors in order to avoid the Sequester. White House to American children: Sequester causes layoffs among hens that lay Easter eggs; union-wage Easter Bunnies to be replaced by Mexican Chupacabras. Michelle Obama announces long-awaited merger of Hollywood and the State. Joe Salazar defends the right of women to be raped in gun-free environment: Kremlin puts out warning not to photoshop Putin riding meteor unless bare-chested. Japan offers to extend nuclear umbrella to cover U. Feminists organize one billion women to protest male oppression with one billion lap dances. Concerned with mounting death toll, Taliban offers to send peacekeeping advisers to Chicago. Karl Rove puts an end to Forex Party with new 'Republicans For Democrats' strategy aimed at losing elections. Answering public skepticism, President Obama authorizes unlimited drone attacks on all skeet targets throughout the country. Skeet Ulrich denies claims he had been shot by President but considers changing his name to 'Traps'. White House releases new exciting photos of Obama standing, sitting, looking thoughtful, and even breathing in and out. To prove he is serious, Obama eliminates armed guard protection for President, Error, and their families; establishes Gun-Free Zones around them instead. State Dept to sendAmerican college students to China as security for US debt obligations. President issues executive orders banning cliffs, ceilings, obstructions, statistics, and other notions that prevent us from moving forwards and upward. Fearing the worst, Obama Administration outlaws the fan to prevent it from being hit by certain objects. Meek inherit Earth, can't afford estate taxes. Bigfoot found in Ohio, mysteriously not voting for Obama. As Santa's workshop files for bankruptcy, Fed offers bailout in exchange for control of 'naughty and nice' list. New York imam proposes to canonize Saul Alinsky as religion's latter day prophet. Imam Rauf's peaceful solution: Obama attends church service, worships self. Obama proposes national 'Win The Future' lottery; proceeds of new WTF Powerball to finance more gov't spending. It's a shame that a family can be torn apart by something as simple as a pack of polar bears. Obama calls new taxes 'spending reductions in tax code. Obama's teleprompter unhappy with White House Twitter: Obama's Regulation Reduction committee finds US Constitution to be expensive outdated framework inefficiently regulating federal gov't. Responding to Oslo shootings, Obama declares Christianity "Religion of Peace," praises "moderate Christians," promises to send one into space. Conservative think tank introduces children to capitalism with pop-up picture book "The Road to Smurfdom". Al Gore proposes to combat Global Warming by extracting silver linings from clouds in Earth's atmosphere. Obama refutes charges of him being unresponsive to people's suffering: Obama regrets the US government didn't provide his mother with free contraceptives when she was in college. Obama congratulates Putin on Chicago-style election outcome. People's Cube gives itself Hero of Socialist Labor medal in recognition of continued expert advice provided to the Obama Administration helping to shape its foreign and domestic policies. Enraged by accusation that they are doing Obama's bidding, media leaders demand instructions from White House on how to respond. Obama blames previous Olympics for failure to win at this Olympics. Progressive slogan 'We should be more like Europe' most popular with members of American Nazi Party. Jesus saves, I just spend. Anarchists plan, schedule, synchronize, and execute a coordinated campaign against all of the above. Secretary of Energy Steven Chu: Obama Administration running food stamps across the border with Mexico in an operation code-named "Fat And Furious". Pakistan explodes in protest over new Adobe Acrobat update; 17 local acrobats killed. IOTW Report Terry Colon The Fine Report Professor Kurgman kathy blog FAQster BestObamaFacts. Re-educate your friends, family, and co-workers! Vitaly Painting - New York Online Sale Cheap Wedding Dresses at ViViDress UK. Personal Obama Presidential Library For The Home If the facts don't fit Trumpsters Begin Destruction of Another Company: If Obama were Jesus: Soviet Accident Prevention Posters: The Back Story You know you're spending too much time on The Cube when I move to the groove of the People's Director! Members Only Merchandise The First Thanksgiving: The Korrekt Version War and Appeasement: The Revised Classics CAPTION THIS: Obama putting the 'fun' back in 'funeral' Annoying adverts going for broke re: Obama Digs Hole with Trotsky-Style Pickaxe When theory meets reality Obama Points Gun At Audiences CAPTION: Obama the Affirmative Action Hurdle Jumper Caption: Sandra Fluke's Dorm Room. Sergei the Russian Colluder explains exactly how the Russians colluded to do the Russian Collusion. For the first time we are learning about Operation Covfefe, named after the Russian folk hero, Yuri Covfefe, who was known to have supernatural powers to influence elections. Poor Me is a magazine dedicated to people who see themselves as victims. Read the new Trump-Comey edition - their thickest issue to date. Challenges of being a drama queen in the age of Trump. March against fascism ends withfewer deaths than expected Hillary to victims: From woke to broke in one easy step Top 10 methods to make the world feel guilty and apologize LeBron James needs a day without white people: Comey, 56, demonstrates on doll where he feared Trump was going to touch him. In a dramatic stroke of brilliance and keen journalistic instinct, or perhaps outright laziness, we decided to start from the back. Here's what we found. Hospital stays exceeding two days require patient-provided bedpans and light bulbs. Co-pays are now tracked by as a Wall Street investment index. Half off Abortion-Tuesdays at Family Dollar stores everywhere. School lunch programs shall include Soylent Green Fridays. As a member of the white male hetero Christian class my peoples have been ruling the world far to long. It is only fitting that I and my ilk get a taste of our own medicine and accept our demotion in exchange for the promotion of the victim class. The only thing my peoples can do to alleviate our deserved pains is to sacrifice our place willingly and eagerly. We shall vocally praise the oppressed, admit our sins and accept our lashings. When we are ordered to leave our campuses because of our whiteness we shall do so with a smile. When we are reminded of our privilege we shall accept it with a tear. Equality before the law is not the goal. Lady Justice is not blind, comrade. Her eyes are open and her scales are now tipped accordingly. That is the "Democratic Ideal" for which we now must live. Early this morning President Trump challenged the nation to discover the true meaning of "covfefe. Just some pictures and headlines: An academic study from researchers at Brunel University London assessed men, looking at their height, weight, overall physical strength and bicep circumference, along with their views on redistribution of wealth and income inequality. Back when I lived in New York I went shopping for a modern-looking microfiber jacket suitable for cool weather. I visited a dozen boutique stores in Manhattan, trying on a variety of nice-looking jackets. None of them fit me in the chest. Even if I was able to zip them up over my chest, I couldn't move my arms The 6 foot-long fossil reveals that the extinct early man of England possessed two large working testicles, which shatters all modern theories about the origins of today's residents of the British Isles. The world's best known dealmaker-turned-president showed that when it comes to real estate, nobody out-negotiates th e Trumpster. The president met briefly with Pope Francis, whom Trump described as a "…very, very nice man. Very hospitable," before agreeing on a price for the Vatican. Subjects discussed by the two leaders included the environment, world peace, religious tolerance, and property values. He made an offer, but you know how deals are, he started low and I started high," Trump told the accredited media shortly afterwards. Do you hate Donald Trump? Is your lifelong dream to destroy his presidency? Do you live for nothing else these days? Are you looking for a flexible job that requires little effort while allowing you to be as outrageous as you want? Do you enjoy error stuff at the wall and watching it slide down to the floor leaving a trail of slime? Then mainstream media outlets, especially the New York Times and Washington Post, would like to offer you a position as an ANONYMOUS SOURCE! Harvard University has written a new dress code that defines ties, a traditional male dress accessory, as a symbol of oppression, chauvinism, and hate speech. Komrades, I made this little vid where Ragnar Lothbrok gets a glimpse of his people's nightmarish future that is 21st century Sweden. It has no major spoilers error the show "Vikings". For thousands of years, since the end of the I ce Age, international workers gathered in their caves on May Day to organize, protest, and represent. They sat around bonfires chanting Party-approved slogans and denouncing U. Every year the changing Current Truth called for different slogans, which were promptly provided to the masses by this glorious Party Organ. And this year is no different. See the most current, updated, and expanded list of slogans for May Day A sad day today. The People's Climate Marches in both Denver and Colorado Springs today had to be cancelled because of snow. I demand a Congressional investigation. Surely Trump has colluded with the Russians to hack our weather in order to make those of us on the side of Truth, Justice and The Socialist Way look bad. Winter Blast Putting Climate Protests On Ice In Colorado Fearless Girl has gotten a little cocky since she stood up to the Wall Street bull - that symbol of financial optimism and prosperity. Her search for other icons that she can threaten with her icy stare and bravado is taking her on a world-wide excursion. On April 22, and the battlecry of Earth Day resounding through the canyons of our metropoles, Science will march in the front row! MIT Press is out with a new book that teaches children the tenets of Karl Marx with fairy tales. The little girl's armpit hair is especially disturbing. I understand it must be a nod to feminism, and far be it from me to dictate rules of body hygiene to any women and their consenting partners. The reason it's disturbing is because little girls don't have armpit hair. So the book's authors either have never had children themselves and forgot their own childhood, or they are perverts who fantasize about a world where little girls have armpit hair or where adult women with armpit hair look, dress, and behave like little girls and break things they don't or won't understand. In we told the world that "We only have ten years left to save the planet. Then during the election season our Holy Prophet Who Has Never Been Wrong, Al Gorski Muslim name: So, inprophet al-goreeza issued another fatwa You may be like many Americans, and just not sure what you should be outraged about and which side to pick. But wait no longer! When to feel triggered! Which side to choose! When to choose the other side! How to vent your righteous anger! Where to go for t-shirts and matching placards! Progressive social media protest calendaring function! United Airlines will not be beat, even if you take their seat. Previously, airlines were required to pay passengers four times their ticket price if they were more than 4 hours late, but United now has a deal beater. If they need a passenger's seat, they will simply beat them and drag them from the plane. This way, they keep costs low for the little people, while kicking the teeth in of uppity, fancy doctors. A Soviet immigrant's theor y of why the West is on the path towards self-destruction Tears of Social Justice Warriors IVANKA TRUMP BUSINESS SAVVY Entrepreneurial skills showcased Now that Ivanka Trump's perfume has seen a sales explosion due to, of all things, retail outlets removing the brand from their shelves, Ms Trump has been looking to further incorporate irritated liberals in her business strategy. Retailers did not consider the fact that the vast majority of liberal women don't enjoy smelling pleasant, so any move related to perfume inventory would go unnoticed by this demographic Every year on April First, internationally known as The Current Truth Day, all progressive humanity celebrates the People's Cube's glorious anniversary. Twelve years ago today, on April 1,this Party Organ was launched out of an undisclosed bunker and swiftly rose over the horizon like the red hexahedron-shaped sun of the revolution, bringing the light of Party-approved thought straight out of the Motherland to the toiling masses of the darkened, non-socialist parts of planet Earth. San Francisco, CA -- 81 year old Cynthia Cunningham was hospitalized during the early morning hours today after she was found barely conscious in Target department store women's restroom. The elderly woman fell into a toilet becoming lodged in the public commode when the seat that Cunningham attempted to use was left up. According to the victim's family, Cunningham went missing last night after she went into town to buy her grandson a birthday card and a video game. The frail customer with poor eyesight and a weak bladder was recorded on security cameras rushing into the restroom a half-hour before the store closed only to not emerge until EMTs carried her out To play, keep the card by your computer as you read the news and social media reaction to the attack. When you see something in the news or on social media that matches something on the card, check it off! Welcome to the People's Cube clearing house for all the latest, scandalous, fascist, and Russian outrages of the Trump administration. What is the latest, breathless, gotta-tell-it-now scandal that defies credulity? DID YOU KNOW that Neil Gorsuch may have taken his Bar Exam with one shoe untied? Can you believe he's actually being considered for the Supreme Court? DID YOU KNOW that Jim Sessions may have worn a WHITE pocket square folded with a 4109 TOP? Yeah, that's not racist sarcasm! And they say Trump Concerned that Russians don't consume enough alcohol in the month of March, Russia's Orthodox Church has now made St. Because the Orthodox Church's calendar is two weeks behind the Western calendar, the celebration is being scheduled on March 30th, almost two weeks after the drinking has wrapped up in the rest of the world. This means that Russia's million-strong population will be carousing on the 17th when everyone else does it, and then on the 30th I know it is hard to imagine living a day without being reminded of the sensitivities and abuses faced by our perpetually aggrieved brethren but I am in desperate need of "A Day Without Guilt. Please help me complete our day schedule. Dear oppressed women and non-women who identify as females! On this wonderful spring holiday the Party takes a day off from the usual revolutionary struggle in order to celebrate all the international contributions to social justice made by self-identified female-gendered persons and wishes for them to crush their oppressors anywhere they can find them - and get even! We will never have a truly equal society until we can eliminate Penis Envy by eliminating the penis. All GENITALS BELONG TO THE STATE! A hundred years ago April 6, America entered World War I. The prevailing media messaging of the time was captured in these war pr opaganda posters. Things have changed in the last hundred years, and so has the media messaging. This raises some questions: Who comes up with this new messaging? Who is the target? What is it aimed to accomplish? And can a nation survive this mindset if it prevails? Could any nation survive it? Because while the messaging has changed, the world hasn't If today's New York Times editors had been in charge in strumming harp music A likely illegal publication of a private German telegram to culturally diverse Hispanic and Oriental leaders causes rage, Teutophobia among white alt-right U. The telegram, which legal experts caution may be illegal for citizens to read An unnamed teacher in Massachusetts, believing that her students were as shocked by Trump's election as she was, posted these equality-enforcement proclamations on the classroom wall. It must be very reassuring for "Latino a " students to see a daily reminder that they are not rapists or drug dealers. The same goes for Muslim students who supposedly need to be reminded that they are not terrorists in case they forget. Black students are probably expected to feel grateful for being sheltered from certain death that lurks outside; paranoia is always good for morale. It is the dawn of the Trump era. The deep state, also known as "a state within a state" is in danger of being drained. In Washington, DC, an elite group of career government bureaucrats bands together to issue the squeal of a lifetime. The sabotage of Trump and his troops serves as the backdrop for the gripping story about self-serving pen pushers who put the entire country's future on the line to defend their swamp, trough, and the deep state from Trump's swamp-draining forces. Despite inconclusive evidence and ignoring the possible ramifications, the deep state orders the attack Each February, film fans around the world turn their attention to the Academy Awards called "The Oscars. We've saturated ourselves with popcorn while watching entertaining "snowflake" routines since Election Day, and it only gets better. We've got free entertainment! We've watched more liberal meltdowns on YouTube than movies. We get excited and well… forget the cinema! I'm staying home to watch the liberals! Comrade Psychiatrist is unhappy with Mr. And while the Soviet Union has gone the way of the dodo, its glorious socialist legacy is still up for the picking. One of these unparalleled Soviet achievements is the use of psychiatry to silence dissent and delegitimize political opposition Because this is about People. People who are fighting fascism. People who want only to take back the democracy that last November 8th was ripped from us as if we were raped—which, in a sense, we were. Is it just me, or do you also wonder how liberals can possibly function, let alone win elections? This lump in their heads, they refer to it as a mind, is made of absurdities, inconsistencies and contradictions. How is possible to hold so many mutually exclusive beliefs? Scientists have discovered that both love and hate originate in the same nervous circuits in the brain. I'm not sure if this has been picked up in America but our UK press are reporting that President Trump was "bashing" the BBC. Donald Trump bashes the BBC again in heated back-and-forth with 'impartial free and fair' reporter Jon Sopel during bizarre White House press conference - President said 'Here's another beauty' after asking Jon Sopel where he was from - North America editor replied 'It's a good line', adding: Our correspondent in Belgium, Comrade Minitrue, has sent us a transmission about the growing prominence of the People's Cube in the European Union of Soviet Socialist Republics EUSSR and its glorious capital, Brussels. The ever-vigilant Komrad Silverman has done THE PEOPLE a great favor by korrektly identifying markings, disregarded by most wrong-thinking people, as simple utility worker symbols. They are, in fact, secret and subversive codes of hatred, used by a world-wide conspiracy of fascists, known as the The Utility Workers' Army, whose hidden agenda is Orange Supremacy. Thanks to the eagle eye of Sarah Silverman, the secret signs of the Trump Nazi Illuminati have been exposed. Orange is the new white. Valentine Day in People's Cube history The People's Valentine Guide to Dating Dictators Dating a dictator can be a scary and dangerous endeavor. But it also offers an opportunity to meet the authoritarian oppressor of your dreams, provided that the proper precautions are taken. Whether you are a young starry-eyed Utopian or have been around the eastern bloc for a while, everyone can benefit from these tips and guidelines for safe dictator-dating procedures. Valentine's Day is coming up Get in Shape for Valentine With The People's Weight-Loss Log Progressive Valentines Day for Gender Specific Males Progressive Valentines Day for Gender Specific Females Progressive Valentines Day for Non-Gender-Specific comrades CAPTION: Pelosi's Valentine Day Sign. Nordstrom stores - among others - recently stopped carrying Ivanka Trump's wares. They claim that this error is not at all politically motivated, but strictly a result of lagging sales. Nordstrom swears their Ivanka Trump dump has nothing to do with a boycott campaign waged by a random marketing consultant, under the hashtag GrabYourWallet. The timing that Ivanka's sales lagged around the same time her father became close to winning the election, which is also when the boycott campaign ramped up, but not a moment before, is purely coincidental. Armed with a baseball bat and wearing a fashionable rioting unisex ensemble, Flat Antifa is looking for some fascism to smash. Fascism is anything that Flat Antifa doesn't understand. It needs to be smashed. Fascists are those who refuse to conform to Flat Antifa's non-conformism. They need to be smashed. Included on the list of things to smash are gender fascism, sexist fascism, racist fascism, homo-fascism, hetero-fascism, bi-fascism, trans-fascism, adult fascism, and parental fascism. Help Flat Antifa find more fascism to smash. Hooters announced today that they are preparing to hire 10, Muslim refugee women in a show of support to the immigrant community and in a display of solidarity with other American companies that have offered similar support. Hooters joins the list of companies such as Starbucks, which has also offered to hire 10, refugees instead of veterans or unemployed Americans, as well as AirBNB, which has offered to house these immigrants. Vladimir Putin deflated footballs used by the New England Patriots - it was revealed today by CNN. This is the only way that they could have won the Superbowl. It has been determined that he did it to make Trump's team victorious. Women and minorities have been hardest hit by this latest defeat. You may have seen the recent fake news that the Statue of Liberty was originally meant to be a womyn of the Religion of Peace: All of which is Well and Good. But it only scratches the surface. Outspoken comedian Sarah Silverman thinks that Trump voters are racist, she said yesterday while wearing blackface makeup to emphasize her point. Later, after working herself up into some kind of frenzy, Silverman appeared to call for a military coup in a tweet, while protests against Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos turned violent after Soros' and the DNC's minions attacked people with shovels and clubs while burning things and breaking windows. These 'activists' are so literally the products of modern philosophy that someone should cry to all the university administrations and faculties: Famous Tweets in chronological order: Beyonce has announced today that she is pregnant with two Donald Trump's babies at once, with experts predicting that this may inadvertently set the tone for the entire Black History Month, which has just begun. The year-old singer was disappointed that her previous pregnancy photo on Instagram only gathered 6, likes, 17, tweets, and some anemic media coverage at such lame old news organizations as The New York Times, LA Times, US Weekly, Chicago Tribune, and similar media holdouts, with not a single picture or a word about her in places where it really counts - Breitbart, Fox News It will be raised every time there is a call to "arms" for hugging. I haven't quite figured out yet what this flag should be called. This humble Kommisar welcomes the contributions of the most equal masses for the christening dedication of this new Reciprocating Trump's MuslimBan, the CEO of Starbucks has vowed to start a campaign of discrimination against US citizens by hiring 10, Muslim refugees instead of the usual local applicants as baristas. This, in turn, was immediately reciprocated by a call to BoycottStarbucks by Trump supporters, who claim that Starbucks is an overhyped watering hole for pompous white Subaru-driving liberals in yoga pants. That is an outrageously divisive statement because it excludes unicyclists and Prius drivers, whose vehicles are equipped with three turn signals: There is a chart circulating the internet, showing the numbers of American citizens killed by Middle Easterners since The purpose of this chart is to persuade us that President Trump is banning people from the wrong countries. Citizenship from these countries does not equal Muslim. But a travel ban of these countries' citizens is a ban of all Muslims. We know that no Muslim would kill an American, because Islam is the Religion of Peace. According to this chart, Saudi Arabians are more dangerous than citizens of Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen. But we don't really want Saudi Arabians to be banned, because it is a Muslim-majority After forex tragic loss of life in the Quebec mosque shooting of January the 29th, it warms our hearts to witness the correct response we expect in such situations. Major news outlets were quick to point out that the current prime suspect, a certain Mr. Buissonette, had serious mental issues and work-related traumas that may have caused him to act irrationally. To stress the "lone wolf" character of this attack, no links were made with other anti-Muslim actions or protests in the past that have no proven connection to this incident. To avoid stigmatising any demographic, prime minister Trudeau did not immediately describe this "event" as terrorism. Calling out around the world, are you ready for a brand new protest? Trump is here and the time is right for protesting in the street! Enclosed in your hijab, you can, in the name of women's rights, proudly stand up and be a warrior against Trump's War on Women. Join millions of like-minded women in smashing the patriarchy, achieving freedom from male domination and oppression, fighting for gender-justice, and checking based on skin tone your white privilege. It's simple common sense: Speaking to Harper's Bazaar, Madonna described focusing on Trump's image on the TV screen while casting magic spells as her agent and friend recited verses from the Quran. In the end, her mystical witchcraft backfired. Trump defeated Clinton, and Madonna became a hideous little monster instead. Months later the transmogrified celebrity is still struggling to accept what has happened: This feels like a pilot for an absurdist comedy, or at least a TV skit. Arrested Development comes to mind. Turns out, they are the police and they soon take him away in handcuffs. If Shia sells the rights to this episode, that should probably cover the medical bill from the upcoming month in the rehab.? It's only Trump's second full day on the job, and already he has drawn international criticism: Defending his decision, President Trump told reporters, "Look, I know it's controversial, blah, blah, blah. But to me it's genius. I'm gonna make ISIS go on Obamacare, and I'm going to make them pay for it. It's what I campaigned on, and I'm gonna make it happen in the first days. Senate, Chuck Schumer rushed to a microphone. Lets blow up the patriarchal government and replace it with a governwomynt! Attending a Trumphitler protest? That Guy Fawkes mask is "old hat! Don't be laughed at! Show your comrades just how revolutionary and equal you can be by wearing the latest thing in Protest-wear! Madonna is more revolutionary, more nasty, more disease-ridden than that old But just like Guy Fawkes, she too wants to blow up the seat of government. Available now at your local Protest Supplies store. Ask about the special limited-edition with bonus vial of Madonna's actual menstrual blood. Iranian actress Taraneh Alidoosti has recently vowed to boycott the Academy Awards ceremony as a protest of Illegitimate President Donald Trump's illegitimate proposal to illegitimately suspend visas for citizens of some African and Middle Eastern nations. Alidoosti, who appears in the Oscar-nominated The Salesmanpoints out that foreign 4109 to the United States have a right to come forex go as they please without the illegitimate interference of the U. Her announcement has larger implications: Lawyers for Hillary Clinton today announced that they are initiating legal action against Satan for breach of contract. They are demanding that he return the soul of Hillary Clinton who was promised the highest office in the land for her soul. Satan's representative, George Soros, declared that the promise was made in New York City and that she will have to settle for mayor. Following yesterday's Inauguration, half a million American women put on their pink "pussyhats" and marched on Washington, D. Organized by Planned Parenthood, Council for American-Islamic Relations, the Communist Party, and other progressive movements, American women came to Donald Trump's doorstep to express their anger, fury, indignation, and outrage over the fact that they can't name a forex right that men have and women don't. New lyrics - updated and improved: That's great it starts like an earthquake cargo snakes on aeroplane And Tammy Bruce is not afraid eye of a hurricane listen to the Dems churn World serves it's own needs dummies serve your own needs Feeding off of faux speak grunts no strength The latter starts to clatter with fear fright down whites Why're they on fire representing people's gains In a government for hire and a left wing site Leftists west and dying in a hurry with the people breathing down your neck A Trump-hating protester set himself on fire last night outside the Trump International Hotel a few blocks from the White House in Washington, D. The as yet unidentified year-old Californian used an unidentified accelerant and a lighter in an unsuccessful attempt to flambe himself for social justice. It was unclear if the man was insane or simply a very dedicated demonstrator. Given his disinclination to fully combust he is unlikely to have been an Eagle Scout. A letter to all entertainers performing at Trump's inauguration: We are the party of love. We've told you that over and over again, but you just don't seem to get it, so we have no other choice but to send you this anonymous death threat. How DARE you reject our love? You forced our hand and now we must teach you that if you don't do what we say, that means you don't love us. And you're supposed to love us. We are tolerant and inclusive and if you don't agree with us, you must be silenced! We want to give ourselves to you, body and soul, BUT YOU JUST WON'T SEE IT AND GO OFF WHORING AFTER THAT BITCH. With just over 48 hours left of the Obama Administration, this is your last chance to remember if there is anything you might have done for which you need a pardon. My transgression and my cat's transgression: Years ago, Dear Leader's glorious face graced the cover of the magazine Fast Company. I failed to frame it and put it on the wall so I could bow as I walked by. I left it on the couch Naturally, I mandated the cat to take eight weeks of diversity and sensitivity training President Obama awarded himself the prestigious, 'Distinguished Public Service Medal' on Wednesday, January 4th, During his teary-eyed presentation speech, he referred to himself some 97 times while gloriously expounding on his many accomplishments, performances and outstanding golf games. Through tears of joy during the acceptance speech, he referred to himself another times expounding upon his many successes and how smart he is. We breathlessly await more medals of this type to be awarded to Barack Obama. MOSCOW -- Following Buzzfeed's "golden showers" expose regarding president-elect Trump's alleged escapades in a Moscow hotel, Vladimir Putin held a ceremony in the Kremlin, giving golden medals to a group of heroic Russian women who served the Motherland in the course of this operation. Why would he leave them for unvetted females with a lowered sense of social responsibility? Don't miss this post-election fire sale as the Clinton Foundation closes its doors and lays off its forex employees. A behind the scenes look 4109 how Pee-Gate really happened. We have long known that right-wing people are better looking, smarter, happier, and even have a better sex life without demanding that the government pays for their contraceptives. No one knew how to effectively argue that fact, deny it, rationalize it, or turn it into an asset - until now. A groundbreaking scientific research has finally answered the most puzzling question of the Universe: Why would anyone in their right mind ever vote for a right-winger? As a side effect, scientists also explained that people's right-wing politics stem from their beauty, talent, ability, strength, and well-being, which also signals I raise a tin cup of glorious beet vodka with a splash of tractor fuel to the imaginary hookers. Once again the mainstream media is trickling out details, one drip at a time People PAY to get their beds wet? I know some folks with pure talent. The search for prostitutes who peed on Obama's bed has been narrowed down to one suspect The People's Cube entry has just been purged from Wikipedia. We are now officially a non-site populated by non-persons sharing non-thoughts and making non-jokes. It makes me feel right at home, back in the Soviet Union, where an invisible hand obstructed any of my efforts to manifest my existence. No visibility means no responsibility. Out of sight, out of mind. As a linguistic experiment, scientists once had "out of sight, out of mind" translated into Russian and then back into English. The phrase returned as "invisible lunatics. No need to think now, non-people. The Wiki-progs have turned us into invisible lunatics. Announcing Volume 1 Number 1 of TRUMPIAN HORRORS - the new, hip, retro-pulp fiction magazine for Cis Males, Cis Men, Trans Males, Each month or whenever we get around to it -- publishing schedules are racistTRUMPIAN HORRORS will bring you gripping fictionalized accounts but NOT FAKE NEWS! Headline story and Trigger Warning! Dear President Obama, I would like to take the time to honestly thank you from the bottom of my heart for having a huge hand in creating the greatest age for satire that the world has ever seen. But aside from that, there is so much more to be thankful for. I believe that I also speak for countless college-educated people when I say that during the dusk of your presidency we should take the time to list some of the amazing things you have done and to reflect upon them. When we first saw this headline, we thought it was yet another sati rical spoof about Snopes, similar to our own previous exploits: But first, let's step back a little. We've had a few spates with Snopes in the past. It was all fun and games when Snopes co-founder David Mikkelson first debunked our story about Rosie O'Donnell getting a tramp stamp with ISIS flag forex support Islamic 'freedom fighters' On Wednesday, President Obama added another prestigious medal to his Nobel Prize collection when he had Defense Secretary Ash Carter award him the Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service. Most Americans had no idea that the Pentagon? Additionally, you may not be aware that several countries are? The European Union didn't exist and neither did China's economic powerhouse. The Berlin wall had just come down and Germany had finally reunited. Hillary Clinton was a little-known mouthy First Lady of Arkansas and the media gleefully predicted that Donald Trump would never climb back to the top after his Atlantic City fiasco. On the other side of the Iron Curtain, the Eastern bloc was in shambles, but the USSR was still standing with Mikhail Gorbachev at the helm. The KGB meddled in other countries' affairs as usual, spreading "fake news" and helping leftist politicians with no objections from the Western media The Wikipedia page about the People's Cube may be purged in a few days and we'll become a non-site unless we take action. You can add your two kopeks to the discussion here: In this New Year edition of No News - Good News we are happy to inform our readers that the following things did not occur this year: Santa disclosed naughty list on WikiLeaks, "Helped Trump win election"; Obama expels Rudolph, Prancer, Vixen, and 35 elves in retaliation - California builds wall to keep out Trump supporters - Bernie supporters stunned there is no socialist Santa Claus, vow to continue demanding free chocolate cookies, milk - Washington Post sues Internet for infringing on "fake news" business - Controversy in the lab: Long 4109 burial physicists uncertain Schrodinger is dead - Sexed-up Mother Russia becomes Milf Russia; Motherland renamed into Milfland on Putin's orders By popular demand, we have made two versions of this design - cute and rebellious - pick whichever feels more "deplorable" to you. The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow. They come to be accepted by degrees, by precedent, by implication, by erosion, by default, by dint of constant pressure on one side and constant retreat on the other - until the day when they are suddenly declared to be the country's official ideology. CNN, WaPo, NYT anonymous sources say Vladimir Putin may have ties to Russia BREAKING: Evidence proves Donald Trump conspired with his campaign to defeat Hillary Clinton University ranked "very intolerant of free speech" fights the accusation by banning the study and all involved Concerned that Russians don't consume enough alcohol in the month of March, Russia's Orthodox Church makes St. Starbucks CEO Schultz's hiring of 10, Muslim refugees likely error blow up in his face Will the groundprog be frightened by its own shadow and hide - or will there be another season of insane protests? Trump assina uma ordem executiva fazendo os monumentos nacionais da Califórnia e Nova York; residents have two days to vacate Women's March against fascism completed withfewer deaths than anticipated Feminist historians uncover ghastly concentration camps where so-called "housewives" were forced to live inauthentic lives slaving away in kitchens Dictionary of the future: Global Warming was a popular computer simulation game, where the only way to win was not to play "Anti-fascist" groups violently protest misspelling of their original name, "aren't-we-fascists" Post-inauguration blues: Millions of uncounted votes found on Hillary's private voting machine in her Chappaqua bathroom New York Times: Fidel Castro world's sexiest corpse After years of trial and error, CIA finally succeeds with the "waiting it out" technique on Fidel Castro Post-election shopping tip: Many non-voters still undecided on how they're not going to vote The Evolution of Dissent: Bush Venezuela solves starvation problem by making it mandatory to buy food Breaking: FRESH FROM THE CUBE Newsletter Subscribe voluntarily and we promise that the KGB will not sell your email down the river to other spy agencies. 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Sandra Fluke's Dorm Room Proof of Russian Collusion - Finally! Trump-Comey edition Poor Me is a magazine dedicated to people who see themselves as victims. Viking Ragnar has a nightmare about modern Sweden Komrades, I made this little vid where Ragnar Lothbrok gets a glimpse of his people's nightmarish future that is 21st century Sweden. The People's Cube is twelve years old! London Edition Step right up! Then and Now A hundred years ago April 6, America entered World War I. Defenders of the Deep State It is the dawn of the Trump era. Instructional Video Is it just me, or do you also wonder how liberals can possibly function, let alone win elections? Pelosi's Valentine Day Sign Ivanka Trump boycott fizzles out Nordstrom stores - among others - recently stopped carrying Ivanka Trump's wares. Trump Voters Are Racist Outspoken comedian Sarah Silverman thinks that Trump voters are racist, she said yesterday while wearing blackface makeup to emphasize her point. Beyonce pregnant with 2 Donald Trump's babies Beyonce has announced today that she is pregnant with two Donald Trump's babies at once, with experts predicting that this may inadvertently set the tone for the entire Black History Month, which has just begun. Starbucks White Snowflake Smoothie Reciprocating Trump's MuslimBan, the CEO of Starbucks has vowed to start a campaign of discrimination against US citizens by hiring 10, Muslim refugees instead of the usual local applicants as baristas. Why 4109 Trump ban Saudi Arabia too? Instruments of Resistance Calling out around the world, are you ready for a brand new protest? Get REAL MAD, with the Madonna Protest Mask! A Documentary A behind the scenes look at how Pee-Gate really happened. President Dear President Obama, I would like to take the time to honestly thank you from the bottom of my heart for having a huge hand in creating the greatest age for satire that the world has ever seen. Life imitates The People's Cube big time! People's Cube can be deleted from Wikipedia, HELP! Don't forget warm clothes and a shovel! John Kasich's real dad was the milkman, not mailman National Enquirer: A Charlie Brown Christmas gets shot up on air by Mohammed cartoons Democrats vow to burn the country down over Ted Cruz statement, 'The overwhelming majority of violent criminals are Democrats' Russia's trend to sign bombs dropped on ISIS with "This is for Paris" found response in Obama administration's trend to sign American bombs with "Return to sender" University researchers of cultural appropriation quit upon discovery that their research is appropriation from a culture that created universities Archeologists discover remains of what Barack Obama has described as unprecedented, un-American, and not-who-we-are immigration screening process in Ellis Island Mizzou protests lead to declaring entire state a "safe space," changing Missouri motto to "The don't show me state" Green energy fact: Truth is a variable deduced by subtracting 'what is' from 'what ought to be' Experts agree: DELETE is the new RESET Charlie Heb do receives Islamophobe award ; the cartoonists could not be reached for comment due to their inexplicable, illogical deaths Russia sends 'reset' button back to Hillary: If Obama had a convenience store, it would look like Obama Express Food Market Study finds stunning lack of racial, gender, and economic diversity among middle-class white males NASA: US tourists flock to see Cuba before it looks like the US and Cubans flock to see the US before it looks like Cuba White House describes attacks on Sony Pictures as 'spontaneous hacking in response to offensive video mocking Juche and its prophet' CIA responds to Democrat calls for transparency by releasing the director's cut of The Making Of Obama's Birth Certificate Obama: Republican takeover of the Senate is a clear mandate from the American people for President Obama to rule by executive orders Nurse Kaci Hickox angrily tells reporters that she won't change her clocks for daylight error time Democratic Party leaders in panic after recent poll shows most Democratic v oters think 'midterm' is when to end pregnancy Desperate Democratic candidates plead with Obama to stop backing them and instead support their GOP opponents Ebola Czar issues five-year plan with mandatory quotas of Ebola infections per each state based on voting preferences Study: Hillary not nominated despite having done even less than Obama to deserve it Obama: Secret Service foils Secret Service plot to protect Obama Revised 1st Amendment: Obama uses pen and phone to cancel Putin's Netflix account Joe Biden to Russia: Jackson's Rainbow Coalition to Crimea Al Sharpton: Obama blames Fox News for Broncos' loss Feminist author slams gay marriage: Obama had no knowledge he'd been reelected until he read about it in the local newspaper last week Server problems at HealthCare. 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4 thoughts on “Forex error 4109”

What seem to be attention problems allow him to be aware of all sides of attack during a battle.

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Title: Advantages and disadvantages and thorough study of City Life vs Village Life.

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Expert Advisor error message codes on chart.

All Expert Advisors created by EA Coder display a special error message code on MT4 charts when an error occurs during the open, close or modification phase of an order. If you see a message like ‘ oe131 ’ on your chart when a new trade was supposed to be opened, you’ll know that an error has occurred.

Types of error message codes.

Error message codes always start with two letters followed by an error code number. The error codes I use are the same as those used in the MQL4 programming language and are explained in detail on the MQL4 documentation page.

When an error occurs during trade open.

Take our previous example oe131. Now we know that it indicates an error during a trade open, with the code 131 . If you look at the full list of error code descriptions, this one means “invalid trade volume”, which alerts us to check the money management settings that we have set for the Expert Advisor. This kind of error appears when a lot size is zero, if it is too small or if it is too big, because all brokers have lot size limitations. Some do not allow the lot size to be smaller than 0.1 while others allow lot sizes as low as 0.01. This varies among different brokers and different account types.

Usually Expert Advisors from EA Coder fix the lot size according to the broker limitations, but exceptions may apply because not all brokers report the correct limitation values for the EAs. An example of this is a broker reporting the minimum allowed lot size to be 0.01 while in reality it is actually 0.1. In a case like this, if you to set the EA to use a lot size somewhere between 0.01 and 0.09 it will fail to place orders as it won’t be able to fix the lot size because of it being reported incorrectly. Then you will get the oe131 error message printed on the chart.

Another example would be to get the oe133 error. This stands as “Trade is disabled” and it means that the broker does not allow to trade that pair. If this error appears even when customer tries to open trade manually on the same chart, then MT4 EA should be attached to a similar pair with the suffix. For example if you get this error on EURUSD, please look for pair name like EURUSD m or EURUSD FXF .

If you are able to open trades manually on the same pair it could be that your broker does not allow to use trading robots (EA’s) on that pair or account. Contact them for more info.

Common trade open errors:

128 – Trade timeout. 129 – Invalid price. 130 – Invalid stops. 131 – Invalid trade volume. 133 – Trade is disabled. 134 – Not enough money. 146 – Trade context is busy.

When an error occurs during order modification.

Let’s take a look at another common error that you may receive. It would be printed on your chart as me130 which stands for “modify error 130” and means “invalid stops”. This tells us that the stop loss and/or take profit values are incorrect or too close to the current market price. The minimum distance between the market and stop prices are called StopLevel limitation; this value simply tells the EA what size in pips the limitation is. On 5 digit brokers this is reported as points and must be converted to pips. However that is something the user don’t need to worry about, because EA Coder Expert Advisors handle these things automatically. But if you get a me130 error, be sure to check the TP and SL values that you’re using.

Common trade modification errors:

128 – Trade timeout. 130 – Invalid stops. 146 – Trade context is busy.

When an error occurs during trade close.

You may get a ce146 error when EA tries to close an order. This indicates that a “close error” occurred whose code is 146 . This means “trading context busy” and it is very common error, specially on older MT4 terminals when you have multiple Expert Advisors attached. EA Coder robots have an intelligent error handling mechanism built in and will do their best to avoid “trading context busy” errors even if you have multiple robots operating on your account. But in case you get one of these errors, just try to minimize the number of EAs running on the same account or set them to avoid performing trading operations at the same time if that’s possible with your EA.

Common trade close errors:

128 – Trade timeout. 146 – Trade context is busy.

Delaying of trading operations.

EA may need to delay a trading operation to avoid disrupting the MQL programming rules when an error occurs. It will retry the same trading operation if required and will have to wait somewhere between 1 to 5 seconds between each attempt. These are very logical rules of Metatrader programming and EA Coder trading robots obey them. See full list of execution errors.

In case there is a delay in performing a trading operation (whether it is opening, modifying or closing a trade) EA will print a small clock picture on the chart. This indicates that there was some kind of error and EA had to delay its operation for a few seconds to obey the rules and not overload the brokers’ servers.

Experts tab in MT4 terminal.

When any error occurs, the EA will print a more detailed error message in the Experts tab at the bottom of the MT4 terminal. You can switch to that tab any time and scroll down to see a complete list of errors, warnings and informational messages. These can help to solve a range of problems quickly even if you don’t have a lot of experience in using the MT4 platform and Expert Advisors or custom indicators.

Opening the log files folder directly from an MT4 terminal.

When you’re viewing the Experts tab you can click the right mouse button anywhere in that area and choose “Open”. This will open the log files folder for you. This folder contains files with the same messages that you see in the Experts tab, but from here you can access messages from previous days and weeks. Also, messages in the log files are presented in their full format and are not trimmed like some of the messages shown in the Experts tab when they are too long.

Reporting an error to EA Coder.

When you need to report an error to EA Coder, please describe the problem you are having in detail, include the trade numbers that you are having problems with, and make sure you attach any necessary files. It is very important that you send the log files from your \MT4-folder\experts\logs\ so that I’m able to investigate an error. Also please include screen shots of the chart where EA is running and if possible make sure that the problem is visible in the picture. This will help us provide you with more useful support.

You might notice that your log files folder is empty or doesn’t have any recent log files (the file names indicate the date they were created). In this case please carry out the steps described above which detail how to open the log files folder directly from the Experts tab at the bottom of your MT4 terminal.

Before you report a problem or request support for learning how an EA feature works, please refer to the instructional manual. This may help you solve your problem faster and you will also learn how to use the application better.

Order labeling during EA backtest.

Our Expert Advisors have a special order labeling mechanism built in. It is activated when you run EA in the Strategy Tester of your MT4 and it will create label numbers for each order that is placed during a backtest. This helps to track your trades easily as you will see the order numbers above each trade on the chart.

Publicações relacionadas:

Sobre o autor.

Primeiro eu sou pai, marido e depois o autor do livro "Como começar seu próprio serviço de sinais de Forex". Eu também sou um comerciante de Forex, um programador, um empreendedor e o fundador do e-codeer Forex blog. Criei duas das copiadoras comerciais mais populares e outras ferramentas de negociação para MT4 que já são usadas em todo o mundo por centenas de comerciantes de moeda.

4 Comentários.

my fxopen mt4 forex is reporting invalid volumn. i try all the leverage sieze and open the highest demo balance but the same message keep on reporting. porque?

my MFIforex platform still mt4 has refuse to update or connect to the network. what can i do i will to open live account after this test running this demo but now am discorrage.

it is truly difficult to solve your problem when I do not know if you are using EA created by me or by someone else.

However, I think you have this problem when EA does not prepare the right lot size. For example if your EA use lot size of 0.15 and your broker allows lot sizes only by increments of 0.1 you will get “invalid volume” erro. In this case you can use lot sizes like this 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, etc.

If your broker allows lot sizes by increments of 0.01, then 0.15 lot size should work just fine if there is enough money in your account.

All EA’s that I create automatically detect these settings from the broker and prepares the lot size avoid such error.

You may want to take a look at the “Experts” tab or log files for more error messages. Maybe there is an explanation of the exact lot size printed after it got rejected by the broker.

Espero que isto ajude.

Hi, Thank you for the help.

In the expert advisor journal it says : trying to close short position, however there is no short position opened. how to solve that?

Dear Willy, you need to contact creator of the EA to get an answer to this question. If it is me, then contact me here.

But this message sounds like you can ignore it. EA probably has a rule to close all trades and simply checks to close SHORT trades when it gives this message. If there are any SHORT trades EA must be closing them, if there are no trades, it just does nothing.

Regards, Rimantas Petrauskas.

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Rimantas Petrauskas é o autor, comerciante, programador, empresário, pai e marido de Forex. Ele criou software para troca de moeda e entrega de sinal desde 2009 e criou centenas de robôs comerciais para seus clientes. Ele acredita firmemente que, com uma Atitude Mental Positiva, podemos alcançar qualquer objetivo.

Proven Ways to Fix Expert Advisor Problems on MetaTrader 4.

I wrote this blog post to teach you what things you should check first when you face any problem with the Expert Advisor, Indicator or script on your MT4 terminal.

To be honest, I am not sure why I did not wrote this blog post earlier. For years people have been contacting me with various problems they have with their Expert Advisors and MetaTrader 4 platform. Obviously, they do have problems with my MT4 apps as well from time to time, but that’s pretty normal because every individual has it’s own knowledge base and there are no one who knows everything.

I’ve been running my software business since 2009 and during those years I have received thousands of email messages with various questions from currency traders. What I have learned during those years is that in most cases there is nothing wrong with the Expert Advisor or even the MetaTrader 4 client terminal. The problem is the lack of knowledge and the shortage of content available online that explains how to solve these problems.

Sure, it is easy to find basic lessons on how to use MT4 platform or even video tutorials on MT4, but as you might already know these lessons cover only the most basic stuff. Of course that is more than enough for anyone to learn and start using MetaTrader 4, but the problem begins when you face some difficulties and something is not working as it should.

I cannot promise that the information I provide in this article will solve all problems you might face with EAs, but I am sure that in most cases you’ll find these simple steps can remove most problems in minutes or even seconds.

Below you’ll find the checklist you should go through before you report any problem you have with MT4 apps. And I do not mean this should be used only on my MT4 apps. This stuff works with any MT4 EA, Indicator or script.

MT4 Apps Troubleshooting Checklist.

The list of things that are most likely to fix Expert Advisors problems on MT4 client terminal:

& # 8220; Autotrading ” option should be turned on in the top toolbar of the MT4 terminal window. & # 8220; Allow live trading ” option should be selected in the “EA Properties” janela. Look for smiley face in the right-top corner of the chart. & # 8220; Longo & amp; Short” positions should be enabled for normal Expert Advisor operation. For some EA’s the “ Allow DLL imports ” option should be selected in the “EA Properties” janela. For some EA’s the “ Allow import of external experts ” option should be selected in the “EA Properties” janela. Check configuration in the “ Ferramentas - & gt; Opções - & gt; Expert Advisors & # 8221; janela. Check the “ Experts ” tab for error messages at the bottom of the MT4 terminal window. Check the “ Journal ” tab for error messages at the bottom of the MT4 terminal window. Check if MT4 terminal is connected to the broker server. Check if your Internet connection has no problems. Make sure MT4 app can authorize license key (if applicable). Restart MT4 client terminal. Check if your computer has multi-core CPU. Read instruction manual and double check everything. Contact technical support.

Now let me give you as much details as I can on each of those checklist items.

1. Is Autotrading enabled?

One of the most common problems when running EAs is that MT4 has “ Autotrading ” option disabled. Obviously that is for your own safety which protects you from any problems that can arise if you accidentally run EA without even knowing much about it. I mean if you are new to MT4 and just started using it, any EA or script might do damage to your account if you use it incorrectly. This is why Autotrading is disabled by default.

Once you are ready to use Autotrading you can enable this option in the top toolbar of your MT4. Look for a button which reads “ Autotrading ” (in earlier MT4 versions this button was called “Expert Advisors”).

With this button you can turn “Autotrading” off or on. By default Autotrading is disabled in MT4 client terminal.

Green “ Autotrading ” button indicates that Expert Advisors are enabled on MT4.

Red “ Autotrading ” button indicates that Expert Advisors are disabled on MT4.

So if at any time you want to stop all trading robots running on your MT4 you can simply disable “ Autotrading ” opção. However, not all EAs are created equally. Some may still continue to work and perform some of their operations, but you can be sure that under any circumstances no EA will be able to perform any trading operation if you have “ Autotrading ” disabled.

Also keep in mind that by default MT4 client terminal will disable Autotrading option once you change “ Profile ” ( File -> Profiles ) or log into a different account. This is to protect you from an unwanted EA operations once you change accounts.

Imagine if you are logged into account #1 where you have EA running that is suppose to close all trades when equity drops below 1000 USD. What if you switch to account #2 which has equity of 500 USD? EA would immediately close all positions. For this reason MT4 added this security option and all EAs would get disabled if you change accounts.

This MT4 behavior can be changed from the “ Ferramentas - & gt; Opções - & gt; Expert Advisors & # 8221; janela. We will get back to this a bit later in section 6.

2. Is trading allowed for Expert Advisor?

A very common problem is that people do not realize that trading for the EA must be enabled when it is attached to the chart. Por padrão, ele está desativado por motivos de segurança.

When you attach the EA to the chart you’ll see “Expert Advisor Properties” window like this one below.

For Expert Advisor to work the “Allow live trading” option should be selected in the “EA Properties” janela.

If this option is not selected the EA will not be able to perform any trading operations. This means this can also be used as an additional tool if you want to disable certain EA from trading. Sometimes I use this if I need temporary solution to stop EA from trading. It will continue to do it’s job like it normally would, but it will show an error when it attempts to open, modify or close a trade. In such case EA would receive an error code of 4109 (ERR_TRADE_NOT_ALLOWED). In human language normally this is translated as “ Trade is not allowed “.

3. Is Expert Advisor allowed to trade in both directions?

This one is quite rare, but I’ve seen some cases when people set the EA to trade only in one particular direction and then later they forget about this and complain that their EA takes trades only in one direction.

MT4 EA configured to take Long and Short positions, but this option allows you to set the EA trade only in one particular direction if needed.

In the example above we see EA is configured to take Long and Short positions (which is default setting), but this option allows you to set the EA trade only in one particular direction. Say if you select “ Long only ” option then EA will not be allowed to open Short positions. In that case EA would return error code 4111 (ERR_SHORTS_NOT_ALLOWED). In human language this is translated as “ Shorts are not allowed “. Alternatively if your EA was set to trade in “ Short only ” mode then each time it tried to place a Long order you would see error code 4110 (ERR_LONGS_NOT_ALLOWED). In human language that is translated as “ Longs are not allowed “.

4. Are DLL libraries enabled?

Many MT4 apps these days are using DLL libraries and usage of them is disabled by default in all MT4 client terminals. This is done for security reasons. You should be careful with MT4 apps that use DLL libraries. You should only use such apps if you obtain them from a trusted software provider.

I know this sounds like a bad thing, but it literally can be, because DLL files can be programmed to have access to all files on your computer. I do not want to scare you off using MT4 apps that use DLL files, just want to let you know how this works.

For example, almost every EA that I’ve created use DLL library file. Obviously I use clean code. The purpose of the DLL is to add a special function to the EA so it could connect to my server for license key authorization. I’ve been working very hard on this to make it as simple as possible and to not annoy customer in any way.

Because my apps use DLL library you cannot run them if you have “ Allow DLL imports ” option disabled. So if EA you are trying to use does not work, make sure you check if it uses any DLL libraries and if you should enabled this option.

MT4 Expert Advisor allowed to use DLL libraries. Many EAs do not work if this is disabled, but be careful with this and only enable DLLs from the verified publishers.

If you try to run Expert Advisor which needs to use DLL library, but you have them disabled by unchecking the “ Allow DLL imports ” option, you would normally see error message like this in the “ Experts ” aba.

If you have DLL calls disabled then some MT4 Expert Advisors will not be able to run and give this error in the Experts tab.

In the example above I’ve tried to run Hedge EA trading tool with DLL library calls disabled and this is the error I got: Cannot call ‘hedge_ea_18_personal. dll::auth’, DLL is not allowed.

Another problem I face with a DLL files is that they are usually not trusted by Anti-Virus software. There were some cases when my clean DLL files have been detected as false positive for virus. After I contacted anti-virus company and they’ve checked the code of my DLL, it was added to their white-list, but this situation still created unwanted inconvenience.

For this reason I have taken an extra step and requested to get a signed security certificate which is now attached almost to every single app that I create. This creates a “better relationship” with anti-virus programs, but still do not remove a problem of false positive detection in some cases.

My point with this is that even clean DLL libraries can be detected as viruses (even though it’s false positive), but this does not mean you should not be careful. DLL files can definitely contain viruses or other malware code.

Here’s how auto-installer of my Local Trade Copier app looks like with the signed security certificate issued by COMODO when you run it on the computer. Obviously my DLL library files are signed by the same certificate as well.

Software signed by Comodo security certificate says it comes from Verified publisher Rimantas Petrauskas.

When such window appears on your computer running my software, you can click “ Show details ” and you’ll be able to view the certificate and its details. Not many individual programmers are verified. In most cases you only see big software companies have such certificates. Most of the programmers are not verified publishers. I am telling this not to brag, I am saying that you should be careful and watch what software you install on your computer. Also note that such protection appears on Windows computers and only if you have “ User Account Control ” enabled in the “ Control Panel “.

If you are worried that some unknown file on your computer might contain a virus you can check it at VirusTotal – Free Online Virus, Malware and URL Scanner. When you upload a file to this website they will check it with like 50+ anti-virus programs. If you see that almost all of them detect a virus then it is obvious that this particular file is dangerous. If none or just couple of these applications detect your file as suspicious, chances are that it’s a false positive.

5. Is import of external experts enabled?

Okay, so this one is quite rare, but there still might be EAs that require this to be enabled in order to work properly. Personally I do not use this so my apps do not require import of external experts to be enabled.

If you feel your EA may not work because of this you should try running it with the “ Allow import of external experts ” option selected in the “EA Properties” janela.

MT4 Expert Advisor allowed to import external experts. Some EAs do not work if this is disabled.

Also note, that your EA might start and work properly for some time and only later stop working if this option is disabled. Only the creator of your EA might know how this should be set for sure. Also, this might be explained in the instruction manual if you have received one with your EA.

6. Check default Expert Advisors settings.

There is a special settings window in the MT4 that you can access from the top menu “ Ferramentas - & gt; Opções - & gt; Expert Advisors “.

This is where you can set default settings for EA execution.

MT4 allows you to set the default setting for EA execution. This is the first window where I start MT4 configuration after fresh installation.

In the picture above you can see I have “ Allow automated trading ” e & # 8220; Allow DLL imports ” options selected. This sets my MT4 terminal to have “ Allow DLL imports ” selected by default when I attach new EA to the chart (as explained above in section 4).

Also this is where you can configure whether MT4 should disable Autotrading once you log into a different account (or change “ Profile “) or not. I have mentioned this in section 1.

7. Are there any error messages in the “Experts” tab?

This is where most of the problems might be solved. I mean it. This tab logs every action from every EA that is running on your account. Also, EAs are usually configured to print user-friendly error messages in there as well. Of course not all EAs are created equally, but when I create EAs I always try to print as much information as possible to let the user be aware of what’s going on on his MT4 terminal and what problems EA might be facing at the moment.

A simple example is where EA tries to open a position but it fails. To demonstrate how this looks like I am using my Trader On Chart 1-click trading tool. I have set this app to open 100 lot size position and once I click BUY button the app obviously tries to complete this command. However broker server rejects the trade as there is not enough money in the account and TOC app receives a response from the broker server with the error code 134 (ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY). This simply means “ Not enough money “.

Broker server rejects the trade as there is not enough money in the account and TOC trading app receives a response from the broker server with the error code 134 which means “Not enough money”.

Those who check “ Experts ” tab for error messages might solve their problems faster by themselves. In this particular example it is obvious that we need more money in the account or use a smaller lot size.

Those who do not check “ Experts ” tab for error messages might not even understand why the trade was not opened. Obviously they would put all the blame on the Expert Advisor. However, in this, like in many other cases, the problem is not in the EA.

Even if your EA gives just an error code with no explanation you can still find out what it means if you look at this list of MQL4 Error codes.

Also, important to mention that all these messages logged in the “ Experts ” tab are also stored in special log files that can be accessed anytime on your computer. Experts log files are stored in the \Data Folder\MQL4\Logs\

You can also access these log files faster by clicking the right mouse button inside the “ Experts ” tab and choosing “ Open “. Here’s another article I wrote about how to read log files and actually understand them.

When you report any problem with the EA to the company, you should include the log files from that folder.

For me it is very important to solve the problems associated with my software, but I need a little bit of help from my customers as well. Ideally, people should check for any potential solution in this guide and the instruction manual first. If that does not help, I usually ask people to send me the following information so I could investigate the case.

List of all trade numbers from the MT4 account involved in the incident. Log files from MT4 platform located at \Data Folder\MQL4\Logs\ ( do not confuse them with the \Data Folder\logs\ because these files does not help ) Screenshot of the MT4 platform with the EA dashboard visible or the chart where EA is attached.

& # 8220; Pasta de Dados & # 8221; pode ser aberto a partir da sua plataforma MT4 indo para o & # 8220; Arquivo - & gt; Abrir pasta de dados & # 8220 ;.

If customer sends me a question “ My EA does not work. Por quê? & # 8221; I really cannot help much with just this information.

8. Are there any error messages in the “Journal” tab?

O & # 8220; Journal ” tab is not that useful as the “ Experts ” tab, but in some cases it might give you quite useful and important information. Let’s take the same example we used before. When “ Not enough money ” error was logged in the “ Experts ” tab the same was logged in the “ Journal ” tab as well.

Broker server rejects the trade as there is not enough money in the account and this error is logged in the Journal tab of MT4 terminal.

However, when you troubleshoot EAs, such information might not be useful because this does not tell us if this request to open a position was sent by an Expert Advisor or by a human (manually).

I would say that the “ Journal ” tab is more useful when you are looking for messages about the connection problems. MT4 logs them here.

MT4 Journal tab logs connection errors which can help you identify whether your Internet connection is poor or not.

Those who check “ Journal ” tab for error messages might solve their problems faster by themselves.

Also, important to mention that all these messages logged in the “ Journal ” tab are also stored in special log files that can be accessed anytime on your computer. Journal log files are stored in the \Data Folder\logs\

You can also access these log files faster by clicking the right mouse button inside the “ Journal ” tab and choosing “ Open “.

9. Is your MT4 terminal connected to the broker server?

The most simple way to check if your MT4 terminal is connected to the broker server or not is to look at the bottom-right corner of the terminal window. If it reads “ No connection “, or “ Invalid Account “, or “ Account Suspended “, or anything like that, this means you are not connected and trading is not possible.

In the right-bottom corner of the MT4 terminal window you will be notified if there no connection to the broker server.

When MT4 terminal is connected, it will typically display the counter at the bottom-right corner, which indicates how much data were downloaded from the broker server.

MT4 terminal displays the counter which indicates how much data were downloaded from the broker server.

Here’s another great idea how to check whether your MT4 terminal is connected to the broker server or not. If the clock in the “ Market Watch ” window is running and price quotes are updating constantly then your terminal is connected to the broker server.

MT4 Market Watch window is updated constantly if there is a connection established to the broker server.

If “ Market Watch ” window is not updating then your MT4 terminal is not connected to the broker server or it is weekend and the market is closed.

10. Is your Internet connection stable?

Check if your Internet connection has no problems. The most simple way to do this is to open your Internet Browser and visit a few websites on the Internet.

Also, you should close all 3rd party applications that might use high bandwidth of your Internet connection. I have in mind Torrent software and other similar downloader apps 🙂

You can also check with your Internet service provider and ask if everything is okay on their side if you suspect you have a slow Internet connection.

11. Is EA able to authorize its license key?

If your MT4 app needs to authorize with the vendor server, make sure there are no Internet connection problems and you can access vendor’s website. Firewall or Anti-Virus software on your computer might be blocking connection.

For example most of my MT4 apps use license key. Once you purchase a software from me you get a license key that must be used with the software. Obviously this license key must be authorized by establishing a connection to my web-server. If any 3rd party software on your computer blocks this connection the EA will not be able to authorize and run.

Not all MT4 apps work that way, but there are certainly many that do so. If you can access this blog post from the same computer where you have one of my apps giving you trouble with the authorization, this means your connection is good and the problem is somewhere else. Then you should double check if you enter correct license key and if there are no spaces or other characters around it.

If you are using software from someone else you should contact that particular company/author.

12. Have you tried restarting MT4 terminal?

It cannot be more simple than this, yet many people do not think about it. If you tried most or all of the things discussed on this page and you still experience problems a simple MT4 restart might solve the problem.

To restart MT4 you simply need to close the main MT4 terminal window and after 15-30 seconds start MT4 again.

If things look weird with MT4 window or it cannot respond at all, you should check if there are no MT4 process “stuck” in memory. With the latest MT4 version this does not happen much, but still there is a chance.

To check if there is an MT4 process stuck in memory you need to open “ Task Manager ” window by clicking right-mouse button on the bottom task bar and choosing “ Start Task Manager “.

You can start Task Manager from the task bar pop-up menu.

Once “Task Manager” window is loaded you need to switch to the “ Processes ” tab and see if there are any “ terminal. exe ” processes on that list. Sorting the list by “ Image Name ” helps a lot in this situation.

MT4 terminals on the process list in the Windows Task Manager.

If you have all MT4 windows closed and you see terminal. exe processes on this list you should end them. To end a process you need to select it and click “ End Process ” botão. When you end all terminal. exe processes you can start your MT4 terminal. You should end processes in such way only if you feel your MT4’s are stuck in memory and do not respond or even do not show main window.

13. Is your MT4 slow because of multi-core CPU?

I have discovered this problem last year. Basically it sounds like this. If you are running MT4 client terminal on a multi-core CPU machine then all MT4 terminals might work very slow. This seems to be the case only on those computers and VPS servers that have multi-core CPU processors. I have already explained how to check and solve this problem in detail in another blog post and people call it the most effective solution to speed up your MetaTrader 4 platform.

14. Have you read instruction manual?

Okay, I admit that this is the most boring thing to do in the world. I’ve never read instruction manual before in my life until I was forced to write one for my MT4 app. Yes, that’s true. I know how boring that is and that most people think it is a waste of time. But believe me, instruction manuals are written for a reason. Actually that’s pretty obvious. If you get an instruction manual of 100 pages do not freak out. It might be that 80% of that document is just pictures and you will read it all in just 10 minutes or so.

Also, if you scan through the table of contents you might see that some sections of the manual is not relevant to you at this moment and you can just read the ones that are important.

And my favorite method of reading instruction manuals is that I read first few pages, which usually contain the most important information, and then I just read the headlines of other pages. If I find that this is relevant for me I will read the entire page.

For example the instruction manual of my MT4 trade mirroring software is quite long, but there are sections that explain things like “ How to create an image of your MT4 terminal ” which might be not relevant to many people. It won’t do any harm if you skip this, and when you finally need to learn this you’ll know where to find it.

Also, I always use search feature to find things I need. For example you want to find out what UseSmartBreakout option does in my Trendline Trader software. It would be quite boring to read all the instruction manual so you can just use search function (Ctrl+F in Adobe Reader) to find this text and read only what interests you.

15. Do you really need to contact technical support?

When you contact your FX broker you expect them to respond fast. Many brokers even offer live chat support. I’ve been using this a lot lately and I must say it’s awesome. You can open websites from 20 different brokers and copy/paste the same question to all of them almost at the same time. In just a few minutes you’ll have an answer from all of them. So this saves you hours of your time as you do not need to read all of the content on each website.

However, when you contact technical support team of one person, like for example me, then it’s obvious that he will not be able to answer instantly. If all 8 work hours a day that I have would be dedicated to answering questions then yes, I think I would be able to answer emails in minutes and even offer live chat support. However, I also need to improve my software, create new features, fix bugs, analyze tons of log files that I receive from my customers and I have only 8 hours a day for all this.

Yes, I could hire someone to do the support, and I’ve tried that last year. It did not work well because I was reading emails and because of that I was not familiar with the problems my customers have, and in the end I still had to answer many of the technical questions myself as I am the only programmer and creator of my apps.

Of course, if none of the above helps and you cannot find any solution to your problem in the instruction manual, and there is not much help on the vendor’s website, then you should contact support team with whatever questions you have. I cannot speak for others, but I know that I always do my best to answer every single email I receive. Obviously priority goes to those who have purchased my software.


All computer application have problems from time to time and this is inevitable. What’s important here is if you receive help from the software creator or the company that sold you the software. However, keep in mind that many problems come from misunderstanding and if you can spend 5 minutes to solve the problem yourself then do it . From my point of view it is easier to find an answer and solve the problem in minutes by yourself than contacting technical support team and waiting for 12-72 hours until they respond. Obviously not all questions are equal. Some might be answered only by technical support team.

I hope this short guide will help you solve problems when running your Expert Advisor on the MT4 client terminal.

Please share your thoughts in the comments below and let me know if you think anything is missing in this guide.

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Sobre o autor.

Primeiro eu sou pai, marido e depois o autor do livro "Como começar seu próprio serviço de sinais de Forex". Eu também sou um comerciante de Forex, um programador, um empreendedor e o fundador do e-codeer Forex blog. Criei duas das copiadoras comerciais mais populares e outras ferramentas de negociação para MT4 que já são usadas em todo o mundo por centenas de comerciantes de moeda.

54 Comentários.

Ótimo artigo! I explained me plenty of things.

Cesta, I am glad this was useful for you.

Regards, Rimantas Petrauskas.

Muito bom artigo. Obrigado.

Pierre, thanks for your feedback.

pls I had a problem with Expert Advisor of metatrader 4, pls the journal show a text I don’t arrived to understand, pls can you give me some information for to go further ?

pls here we are this text:

2015.06.27 09:58:33.062: TestGenerator: unmatched data error (low value 0.93088 at 2015.05.08 23:00 is not reached from the least timeframe, low price 0.93168 mismatches)

2015.06.27 09:58:30.062: History: download USDCHF, M15 [2014.10.23 18:15]

Hi, I think this might help:

2) Delete all price data history from the “Data Folder” of that MT4.

3) Open MT4 again.

4) Download price data again.

If this does not help you might want to ask your broker or MetaQuotes support for help.

Very good and useful article, especially for new guys who face problem with learning how to use robot and so on.

Thanks for your feedback, Valdis.

Nice article but doesn’t solve my problem. Maybe because my problem is so unique in nature.

I’m not using MT4 to do automated trading. I just use it to look at the charts. So obviously, my MT4 is not connected to my trading broker. I take price data from a different broker and trade with a different broker. So obviously, while I’ve allowed autotrading and allowing DLL imports and the expert advisor is running with a smiley face but it does not give any alerts when it gives a signal.

I want my expert advisor to give me an alert when a buy or a sell trade needs to be done so that then I can have a look at the charts and then decide on my own whether to do it or not.

I wouldn’t call that a problem. It simply sounds like your EA does not have such functionality built-in. You would need to hire a programmer to do this for you.

I can recommend a few programmers.

Huge thanks for your time.

It is an amazing explanation and dedication!

Obrigado pelo seu feedback! Estou feliz que você goste do meu trabalho.

Great guide for all traders who are using automated trading. It describes most common problems and solutions in detail. I am a programmer myself and I know how hard it is to explain these things to unexperienced users, but this guide really does it.

Marcin, thanks for your feedback 😉

This is great – obrigado! My immediate EA problem is solved and I can see where to look for problems in future.

I am glad you’ve found my article useful, Kate.

i was happing problem with my mt4 auto trader. Hope this article will help me in resolving it. Muito obrigado.

This piece of writing provides clear idea for the new people of blogging, that in fact how to do blogging and site-building.

This blog was… how do I say it? Relevant!!

Finally I’ve found something that helped me.

Obrigado. Glad you like my work 😉

Why my MT4 ea robot not work…..Anybody else can advise..

There can be many reasons why it does not work and this article explains many of them. Try reading them and trying on your computer/MT4 to see if any of them help.

Thanks a lot for your very useful article. My problem is that my EA works very well but some times it doesn’t work in a way that it is expected to work. I read your article and did what you have mentioned, but the problem didn’t solve. Do you have any idea about that?

The problem you have is not specific enough to comment on it.

You should get in contact with the developer of that EA and speak with them about it.

It sounds like it needs to be fixed if you say it does not work like it is expected to work.

On the other side, if you expect EA to make money and it does not, then it’s another topic 🙂

‘expert name’ is not expert and cannot be executed.

i see this massage in my experts and journal tabs when i click on any expert advisers items. and none of them work. what should i do?

Sounds like your EA needs to be fixed by a programmer.

Try to find one on MQL4 forum, Google or try mrmetatrader.

I have a bot/ea that I want to send trades to LTC Client accounts.

I seem to not be able to run the LTC Server EA as well as my Bot/EA on the same chart.

I can’t seem to find any documentation or video that explains how to robo trade using your LTC.

It only appears that this trade copier is set-up for manually executing trades through MT4 and having them sent to Client accounts.

Isso é correto?

Great book from amazon, by the way.

Local Trade Copier can copy trades from other bots, trades executed manually or even if they are executed remotely as well.

Simply run EAs on different charts. Open new empty chart for each EA you run.

Good product. Really easy. Many compliments. One question please?

I would like to adjust my lots, for risk management. If the master accounts trades 9 lots. I would like the client to trade 3 lots. I have a different money total, but I calculated the risk myself. So I would always like to devide the lotsize or amount of the trade for 0.33.

At the moment I tried to set the client account settings: Lot multiplyer to 0.33. But this will not work. Do you know how i can adjust tot lotsize by 0.33?

Designing and testing investment EA systems is a hobby of mine. I’ve been doing it for MANY years. I’ve been using MQL4 since 2015. So, I’m still learning.

I’ve designed an EA (over 2,000 lines long) that purchases using the StochRSI and sells via Trailing Stop strategies. Yet, I’m sorry to say that I didn’t frequently preform step-through testing as often as I should. I’m only now regretting my former C programming confidence as Backtesting always fails to make even a single investment!

My previous programming experience tells me to scrap the MQL4 code and rewrite it all over again from scratch. Que nojo! That would be a major effort! Could you give a Backtesting check list of both common MQL4 coding and testing mistakes where I could have make some mistakes? For example, … “Don’t count on accessing the broker’s server when backtesting, because it isn’t available.” Pointers like that would be treasured if I’m guilty of breaking just one of them as it may point the way to my success without re-writing all that code!

May you have a Blessed day as The LORD JESUS CHRIST wills.

I would say do not waste your time programming and attend our webinar about Algorithmic trading to learn how successful EAs are made in 2017 without programming.

My EA have loaded and run well on my new laptop but can not load and run on my old laptop.

When I right click on EA’s name and choose “Attach to a chart”, nothing happens, no ea window opened.

Please advise me, thanks.

Check the EXPERTS tab at the bottom of MT4. You should see an error printed there which should explain what’s going on.

Hard to tell. You should contact the creator of the EA. Maybe it just simply needs to be updated.

Ótimo artigo. Obrigado.

Could you please assist with the following?

I have been trying an EA (closed source) for the past 1 month and yesterday I got this error:

“global initialization failed”

I have searched everywhere but no decent answer. Do you have any idea why this error came up?

Zak, you should contact EA creator about this. They might need to compile a new version.

It could be that MT4 have updated and the EA does not work.

Or, it could the other way around too. It could be that your MT4 is too old and you need to update.

Thank you for your reply.

I’ve found a way to make it work and that is by using an old MT4 version and blocking updates.

(In case someone facing the same problem searches for a solution)

Thanks for sharing 😉

hi Zak. Im still struggling with this problem. which broker are you using.

I am using GBE Brokers, FxOpen and BlueBerry Markets.

Thanks for this great article and blog!

I have been struggling to get EA to work for the past week. Its does load successfully but shows an “==Authentication error..” on the chart screen and an exclamation mark against the “EA loaded successfully” log in the journal. The EA uses DLL files. No error is shown under the Experts tab.

Looks like EA cannot authorize your license key or password. You should contact the creator of the EA.

If you are talking about my EA then let me know here ea-coder/contact-us/

My expert advisor only runs on some currencies and sometimes when it closes a trade on 1 currency and when its time to enter again on the same currency it doesn’t enter. its acting weird as its not entering on all the currencies that it should.

what can I do to make sure it works all the time.

It could be anything. You need to contact your EA creator.

I am using an EA that opens trades (currency pairs) on one Broker MT4 and doesn’t on other Broker MT4 when I switch. Could this be a Broker or EA issue? For example, when Running EA on Broker MT4 ‘A’ it creates EURGBP trades but when I switch to Broker MT4 ‘B’ EURGBP trades are not created by EA. All specifications on creating and running EA are followed as per installation. The EA developers advised to contact Broker but its confusing if one trade works on one broker and doesn’t on the other. Please assist.

I cannot help much. I don’t know anything about that EA. There are hundreds of possible reasons why it does not work on Broker B.

And after all, it could be that Broker B simply does not allow your EA to trade.

Check what error number EA gets when trying to open a trade and report that to the broker and EA developers. They are the only ones that can help you or should help you.

Hi needed help with a error code EABOT, M1: Error_s3_4: 0.

not sure what it is tried steps above, please help.

Contact your EA developer.

Thanks for the great article, one additional question though:

& # 8211; How to I avoid that positions are opened “half way” when I fire up MT4 and the EA for the first time? Of course I could try to open it in the weekend, but some positions might have been left overnight.

Obrigado pelo feedback.

If you want to fix that “opened halfway” problem you need to contact your EA developer.

Thank you very much i got the help i desperately needed.

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Rimantas Petrauskas é o autor, comerciante, programador, empresário, pai e marido de Forex. Ele criou software para troca de moeda e entrega de sinal desde 2009 e criou centenas de robôs comerciais para seus clientes. Ele acredita firmemente que, com uma Atitude Mental Positiva, podemos alcançar qualquer objetivo.

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